
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Imam Šādiq (peace be with him) wrote a letter to the governor of Ahwaz, who was a Shiah, writing: "O Najāshi (the governor of Ahwaz); make this Shiah brother happy..."

💢Imam Bāqir (peace be with him) states:
🔸One who has excessive attachment and greed to the world is like a silk worm; (in that) however much it threads around himself (of the tangles of his silk) only makes it harder to escape, until finally it dies of frustration (due to being trapped)".
Al Kafi vol. 2 p. 316

💢علي بن إبراهيم، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن يحيى بن عقبة الأزدي، عن أبي عبد الله قال: قال أبو جعفر (عليهما السلام):
🔸مثل الحريص على الدنيا مثل دودة القز، كلما ازدادت من القز على نفسها لفا كان أبعد لها من الخروج حتى تموت غما

💢امام باقر عليه السّلام
🔸مثال حريص به دنيا، همانند كرم ابريشم است كه هر چه بيشتر دور خود مى تند، خارج شدن از پيله بر او غير ممكن تر مى شود، تا آن كه از غصه مى ميرد.
كافى، ج ۲، ص ۳۱۶

💢امام باقر سلام اللہ علیہ فرماتے ہیں:
🔸دنیا کے حریص انسان کی مثال ریشم کے کیڑے جیسی ہے، کہ جتنا زیادہ وہ ریشم کو اپنے چاروں طرف بُنتا جاتا ہے، اُتنا ہی اُس سے باہر نکلنا اُس کے لیے غیر ممکن ہوتا جاتا ہے. ہیاں تک کہ غم سے اُسکی موت ہو جاتی ہے.

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A GRAMMARIAN once embarked in a boat. Turning to the boatman with a self-satisfied air he asked him:

‘Have you ever studied grammar?’

‘No,’ replied the boatman.

‘Then half your life has gone to waste,’ the grammarian said.

The boatman thereupon felt very depressed, but he answered him nothing for the moment. Presently the wind tossed the boat into a whirlpool. The boatman shouted to the grammarian:

‘Do you know how to swim?’

‘No’ the grammarian replied, ‘my well-spoken, handsome fellow’.

‘In that case, grammarian,’ the boatman remarked, ‘the whole of your life has gone to waste, for the boat is sinking in these whirlpools.’

You may be the greatest scholar in the world in your time, but consider, my friend, how the world passes away - and time!

💠One of the scholars was giving a lecture to the people of the city from the pulpit. He said: "oh people, imagine that you have a lemon. Now, imagine that you have a knife in one hand and the lemon in the other. Imagine now, that you have sliced the juicy lemon and are licking it onto your tongue. Now, take the lemon and squeeze it's acidic juice onto your tongues".

💠After a few minutes, many people had watery mouths just by imagining such a scene.

💠The scholar continued: "oh people, as you all have just experienced changes in your body simply by thinking of lemons when really there weren't any, so too does the chemistry of your existence alter simply by thinking about sinning. God has been lenient and has ordered chastisement only when someone has sinned, but certainly there are changes in your spirit, mind, and body that occur even simply by thinking about sinning.

💠For this reason, the Prophet and his progeny have stated that one repents immedietely after sinning. Those beloved to God, the Prophet and his progeny always repented even after hearing others sin or talk about sinning, so as to rid of those negative effects".

💠Allamah Tabatabai writes in "Sunan an Nabi" that the Prophet would recite "estighfar" 25 times before leaving a gathering.

💢 Ayatollah Bahjat ( ضوان الله عليه):

🔸 One who gets satiated with dry bread, or with herbs, yogurt or cheese and live easily, then what is all this greed and covetousness for the world and it’s belongings.

💢آیت الله بهجت (رضوان الله عليه):

🔸انسانی که نان خشکی او را سیر می کند و یا با سبزی و ماست و پنیر می تواند زندگی کند این همه حرص و طمع به دنیا و مال دنیا برای چه ؟
🔺کانال طَریقُ السُّلُوک @sulook

Master of the martyrs Imam Husain (peace be with him):

Surely, the most generous is he who gives to someone from whom he has no hope of return,

and certainly the most forgiving is he who forgives when he is at the climax of power,

and definitely the eminent is he who establishes a relationship with the one who (has) severed it.

Shining Gems From The Ocean of Wisdom, Hadith 46

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be with them) said:

At a time when virtue is in vogue in the world and among people, if a person entertains an evil suspicion about another person from whom nothing evil has ever been seen, then he has been unjust.

And at a time when vice is in vogue in the world and among people, if a man entertains a good idea about another person, he flings himself in peril.

Nahjul Balāghah, Wisdom 114
