
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
اعمال ماه شعبان معظم

Obligations & Prohibitions in Islamic Divine Law.
By Āyatollāh Ali Meshkīnī.
Translated by Zeinab Biria.

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📩 Question from Hāj Āgha-e Tahrīri

Salam. What are the preliminary steps for those wanting to attend classes on Islamic Ethics? Are there any specific books that one should read or gatherings that one should attend? I am 17 years old and attend the masjid and religious gatherings regularly. Please guide me as to where I should start from. Thank you for your reply.

📜 Answer:
- We must first strengthen our beliefs.

- Next, we must become aware of our obligatory responsibilities.

- Following that, we must practice moderation; we need to have healthy and lawful (halal) recreation, spend time with family, relatives, and friends, as well as give importance to studying.

📚In addition, read the following books:

📘Lessons from the Quran - Agha Mohsin Qara’ati

📘Gunah Shinasi (Awareness of Sin) - Agha Mohsin Qara’ati

📘Prayers - Agha Mohsin Qara’ati

📘Obligations & Prohibitions in Islamic Divine Law - Ayatullah Mishkini

📘Greater Sins - Shaheed Dastghaib Shirazi

- Continue attending the Masjid and religious gatherings.

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Book: Lessons from Qur'an
Author: Ustad Shaikh Mohsin Qaraati

Handwriting of Ayatollah Bahjat رضوان الله عليه. @AbodeofWisdom
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🌹Imam Ja'far al Sadiq (peace be with him) said:

📜O' Abd al-A'la... Give my greetings of peace and mercy of Allah to my Shi'a (followers), and tell them: Allah has mercy on the servant who incites love/affection in the people towards himself and to towards us [when attracting them towards Islam], by displaying to them that which they already like, and keeping from them that which they would reject".

🌹الإمام الصّادق (عليه السلام):

📜يا عبد الأعلى... فأقرئهم السلام و رحمة الله: يعني الشّيعة: و قل: قال لكم: رحم الله عبدا استجرّ مودّة الناس إليٰ نفسه و الينا، بأن يظهر لهم ما يعرفون و يكفّ عنهم ما ينكرون.

📚Mizan ul-Hikmah (ICAS press) p. 602
📚Bihar ul-Anwar vol. 2, p. 77

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It is narrated in Mahajjat al Baydā: "Among the narration about Prophet David (peace be with him) that God revealed unto him:

'...O David, I have created the hearts of those who long for Me from My Satisfaction and I have blessed them with the Light of My Face...'

So David said, 'O Lord, and how did they aquire this from You?!

He said: 'As a result of their good opinion, their refraining from the world and its followers, seclusion with Me and intimate conversation with Me, and this is a station that no one will achieve until they refuse the world and it's people, do not occupy themselves with anything of its remembrance, devote their hearts to Me and choose Me over all My creation'".

المحجّة البيضاء: في اخبار داود: أنّ الله عزّ و جلّ أوحيٰ إليه: ... يا داود، إنّي خلقت قلب المشتاقين من رضواني، و نعّمتها بنور وجهي...
فقال داود: يا ربّ، بما نالوا منك هاذا؟ قال: بحسن الظّنّ، والكفّ عن الدّنيا و أهلها، والخلوات بي و مناجاتهم لي، و إنّ هاذا منزل لا يناله إلاّ من رفض الدّنيا و أهلها، و لم يشتغل بشيء من ذكرها، و فرّغ قلبه لي و اختارني علىٰ جميع خلقي، فعند ذالك أعطف عليه فاُفرّغ نفسه له، و أكشف الحجاب فيما بيني و بينه، حتيٰ ينظر إليّ نظر النّاظر بعينه إلي الشّيء

📚Mizan ul-Hikmah (ICAS press) p. 979 no. 5688
📚 Ghurar al Hikam, no. 5237

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Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom