
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
The jaza (reward) of fasting is liqa (meeting) with the Truth (haq) / if you sell yourself for something less then you have made a loss. Ayatullah Jawadi Amoli (h)
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
اعمال ماه مبارك رمضان
❇️ مقدمه ای بر فلسفه اسلامی کلاسیک

❇️ An Introduction to Classical Islamic Philosophy

🔹Oliver Leaman

❇️ بدایة الحکمة (عربی_انگلیسی)

❇️ Bedāyat-ul Hikmah
[The Outset of Islamic Wisdom (Philosophy)]

🔹Allama Mohammad Husayn Tabātabāī.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
💠 Imam Sadiq Alaihissalam says 💠

When someone has a nightmare they should move from one side to the other side and say:

«إنَّمَا النَّجْوى مِنَ الشيطانِ لِيَحْزُنَ الذينَ آمنوا و لَيْسَ بضارِّهِم شيئا إلاّ بِإذْنِ اللّهِ»

🔹 "Indeed whispering is (an) evil by which satan makes a believer sad, and till God doesn't allow, he can't harm them".

Then he should say:

🔹 "From the evil(s) of a nightmare and (the) harm of satan, I take shelter with That One of whom God's closest angels, his sent apostles, and his righteous servants take shelter with".

📚 [Kafi: Vol8, P142, Hadith106.]

📱 https://telegram.me/HouseOfWisdom
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
💎 Imām Ali bin Husain Zain-ul Ābedīn (peace be with them) said:

💎 Stay away from these cults and categories of people:

🔥 completely avoid being with sinners and wrong doers
🔥 Aiding, assisting(and supporting) the oppressors
🔥 And companionship with evil doers (those have no modesty of doing Harām among others)
🔥 Be vigilant of their hypocritical sedition
🔥 And keep distance from their sites

💎 سيد الساجدين زين العابدين امام علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام:
🔥 اياكم و صحبت العاصين
🔥 و معونة الظالمين
🔥 و مجاورة الفاسقين
🔥 إحذروا فتنتهم
🔥 و تباعدوا من ساحتهم.

💎 امام سجاد زين العابدين مي فرمايد:
🔥 از همنشيني با گنهكاران
🔥 و ياري ستمگران
🔥 و همدمي با بدكاران بپرهيزيد.
🔥 از فتنه آنان برحذر باشيد.
🔥 و از همنشيني با انان دوري كنيد.

Last prophet of God prophet Mohammad (peace be with him and his progeny) said:

✳️ O people verily there is no prophet after me. And no nation after you.

✳️ So take care to worship your Lord.

✳️ Perform your daily five-times prayers.

✳️ Fast in the appointed month of (Ramadhan).

✳️ Make pilgrimages to house of your Lord (for Hajj to Makkah).

✳️ Give the share and alms of your wealth in order to purify your souls thereby.

✳️ And obey by following your authorities (Prophet and infallible Imāms).

✳️ So that you enter the paradise of your Lord.

al-Khešāl, Sheykh Šadūq, p. 322.


قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم:
🔶 ايها الناس انه لا نبي بعدي.
🔶 و لا أمة بعدكم.
🔶 ألا فاعبدوا ربكم.
🔶 و صلوا خمسكم.
🔶 و صوموا شهركم.
🔶 و حجوا بيت ربكم.
🔶 و أدوا زكاة أموالكم طيبة بها أنفسكم.
🔶 و أطيعوا ولاة أمركم.
🔶 تدخلوا جنة ربكم.

الخصال، شيخ صدوق رضوان الله عليه ص: ٣٢٢

Forwarded From islamic medicine
🦶Putting oil under your feet:

👣 If you put olive oil under your feet every night it will help in treating/preventing :

🌟 Decreases cholesterol
🌟 Back pain
🌟 Whitening of hair
🌟 Knee pain
🌟 Osteoporosis

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine