
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Doa-e Joshan-e Kabir
Arabic Persian Translation.

Āyatollāh Imām Khomeini رضوان الله عليه:

💠 I'm afraid that in this holy month of Ramadhan, which is the month of spiritual growth, and we all are invited to God's special banquet, but we do something with the host (God) so that His attention would turn away from us.

💠 آيت الله امام خميني رضوان الله عليه: من خوف این را دارم که در این ماه مبارک رمضان که ماه تهذیب نفس است و همه را خدا به ضیافت خودش دعوت کرده است، ما با صاحب خانه کاری بکنیم که عنایتش از ما برگردد
📚صحیفه نور، جلد ١٩،صفحه ١٣

🔹💠 @AbodeofWisdom 💠🔹


Monajāt Amīr-ol Mo’minīn
مناجات اميرالمؤمنين. صداي محسن فرهمند.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

🌺 In Ma'ani al-Akhbar: In his tradition from Ahmad ibn Abi Abdillah from his father, in a Hadith attributed to the noble Prophet (peace be with him and his progeny) that he said:

"Jibraeel (Angel Gabriel) came to me and said: 'O Prophet of Allah! Allah has sent me to you with a gift which He has not given to anyone before you'.

The noble Prophet asked:
🍃'what is it?'
💠 Jibraeel replied: 'it is patience, and something better than it'.

🍃 He asked: 'and what is that?'.
💠 Jibraeel replied: 'it is satisfaction, and something better than it'.

🍃 He asked: 'and what is that?'
💠 Jibraeel said: 'it is abstinence; and that which is better than it'.

🍃 He said: 'and what is that?'
💠 Jibraeel said: 'it is sincerity; and something better than that'.

🍃 He said: 'and what is that?'
💠 Jibraeel said: 'it is certainty; and something better than it'.

🍃 The Noble Prophet (then) said: 'i said: "what is that O' Jibraee!"
💠 He said: 'the way to attain all of them is to trust in Allah'.

🍃 I said: 'oh Jibraeel, what is the meaning of trusting in Allah?'
💠 He said: knowing that creation can neither cause harm nor benefit and can neither give nor withhold (anything), and having no hope (of getting anything from creation). When the servant reaches this state, he does not do anything save for Allah, and he neither desires nor fears anyone but Allah, and he does not set his hopes on anyone except Allah. This is is the meaning of trusting in Allah'.

🍃 The noble Prophet said: I said: 'oh Jibraeel, what is the meaning of patience?'.
💠 He replied: 'one must be forebearing and patient in times of affliction as he is in times of joy, and in poverty as he is in wealth, and in calamity as he is in comfort; without complaining of his condition because of what has befallen him'.

🍃 I said: 'and what is the meaning of contentment?'
💠 He (jibraeel) said: 'to be pleased with whatever comes to him in this world, being content with whatever little he has and thanking Allah for it'.

🍃 I said: 'and what is the meaning of satisfaction?'
💠 He (jibraeel) said: 'it means that one should never be displeased with his Master, whether he gets (the comforts) of the world or not, and not be happy with one's few good deeds'.
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🍃 I said: 'and what is the meaning of abstinence?'
💠 He (jibraeel) said: 'that one loves whatever his Creator loves and hates whatever his Creator hates, and is very careful about what is lawful and does not glance at what is unlawful; for what is lawful is to be accounted for and what is unlawful will entail punishment. He is merciful to all Muslims and he is merciful to himself. He avoids useless speech just as he avoids a corpse with an intensely foul smell. He avoids possessions and embellishments of this world just as he keeps away from fire -- ensuring that it does not cover him. He has no great (worldly) hopes or desires and he always remembers (the inevitable occurrence) of his death'.

🍃 I said: 'oh Jibreel, and what is the meaning of sincerity?'
💠 He (jibraeel) said: 'a sincere person is one who does not ask for anything from people until he obtains it (himself) and whenever he obtains it, he is pleased with it. If something extra remains with him, he gives it in the way of Allah. By not asking for anything from others, he has shown that he is truly a servant of Allah. If he obtains what he wants, he becomes happy and is pleased with Allah, and Allah the Almighty is pleased with him. When he gives from it in the way of Allah, he has reached the stage of fully relying on his Lord'.

🍃 I said: 'And what is certainty'?
💠 He (jibraeel) said: 'a man with certainty performs actions for the sake of Allah as though he sees Him. Even if he does not see Allah, he knows Allah sees him; and he is certain that what is coming to him (by the will of Allah') will not pass by him, and what is not meant to be for him will not come to him. These are all branches of trust in Allah' and abstinence'".

🍃 🍃 Reference 🍃 🍃
📚 Sunan an Nabi: 54
📚 Ma'āni al Akhbār: 260
📚 Uddat al-Dā'i: 94

💠💠💠@AbodeofWisdom 💠💠💠
✳️ Faces of Muhammad Western Perceptions of the Prophet of Islam from the Middle Ages to Today
🔹John V. Tolan

🍀 Imām Redha in his letter to Ma’mūn Rashīd the Abbasid Caliph said:

🍀 Belief is to return promptly that which has been entrusted to your care, and to avoid all grave sins.

💎 And this [belief] is achieved through perception and understanding with one’s heart.
💎 Attestation with one’s tongue.
💎 And action with one’s limbs.

🍁 The grave sins are 🍁

🔥 Murdering an innocent soul which God has prohibited.
🔥 Fornication.
🔥 Stealing.
🔥 Drinking wine.
🔥 Disrespect to parents.
🔥 Fleeing from the midst of battle.
🔥 Unjustly usurping the property of orphan.
🔥 Eating dead’s flesh, blood, pork and all that on which other than Allah’s name has been invoked, without necessity.
🔥 Devouring usury after Knowledge of it’s prohibition.
🔥 Devouring all that is unlawfully (without efforts) acquired.
🔥 Games of chance (gambling).
🔥 Defrauding people in weight and measurements.
🔥 Falsely accusing believing and chaste woman of fornication.
🔥 Committing fornication, homosexuality.
🔥 Despairing of Allah’s munificence.
🔥 Considering oneself secure from Allah’s plan.
🔥 Giving up all hope of the mercy of Allah.
🔥 Aiding and abetting unjust people.
🔥 Taking immoral and licentious oaths.
🔥 Withholding and delaying payments of someone’s dues or fees without constraint.
🔥 Lying.
🔥 Arrogance.
🔥 Wasting and dissipating things.
🔥 Squandering.
🔥 Treachery.
🔥 Taking Hajj lightly.
🔥 Fighting Allah’s friends (true believers).
🔥 Occupying oneself with amusement and (killing time and age in useless things).
🔥 And persistent and constant committing sins (neglecting repentance).

Uyūn Akhbār-ur Redha
Tohah-ul Uqūl

وفي (عيون الأخبار) بأسانيده عن الفضل بن شاذان، عن الرضا (عليه السلام) في كتابه إلى المأمون

🍀 قال: الايمان هو أداء الأمانة، واجتناب جميع الكبائر،
💎 وهو معرفة بالقلب،
💎 وإقرار باللسان،
💎 وعمل بالأركان - إلى أن قال:
🍀 واجتناب الكبائر

🔥 وهي قتل النفس التي حرم الله تعالى،
🔥 والزنا،
🔥 والسرقة،
🔥 وشرب الخمر،
🔥 وعقوق الوالدين،
🔥 والفرار من الزحف،
🔥 واكل مال اليتيم ظلما،
🔥 واكل الميتة والدم ولحم الخنزير وما أهل لغير الله به من غير ضرورة،
🔥 واكل الربا بعد البينة،
🔥 والسحت،
🔥 والمسير وهو القمار،
🔥 والبخس في المكيال والميزان،
🔥 وقذف المحصنات،
🔥والزنا، واللواط،
🔥 واليأس من روح الله،
🔥 والامن من مكر الله،
🔥 والقنوط من رحمة الله،
🔥 ومعونة الظالمين، والركون إليهم،
🔥 واليمين الغموس،
🔥 وحبس الحقوق من غير عسر،
🔥 والكذب
🔥 والكبر،
🔥 والاسراف
🔥 والخيانة،
🔥 والاستخفاف بالحج،
🔥 والمحاربة لأولياء الله،
🔥 والاشتغال بالملاهي،
🔥 والاصرار على الذنوب.
ورواه ابن شعبة في (تحف العقول) مرسلا نحوه

در «عيون أخبار الرضا» به روايت فضل بن شاذان كه از اعاظم اصحاب اماميه است آمده كه حضرت رضا عليه السلام در نامه اى به مأمون نوشتند: ايمان همان اداي امانت است و اجتناب از معاصى كبيره؛
و ان معرفت قلب است
و اقرار با زبان
و عمل با اعضا و جوارح و همين طور فرمود اجتناب از كناهان كبيره:
1- ريختن خون انسانى كه خداوند خونش را محترم دانسته است.
2- زنا- محصنه و غير محصنه
3- دزدى
4- خوردن مايعات مست كننده
5- عقوق پدر و مادر
6- فرار از جنگ حق عليه باطل
7- خوردن مال يتيم به زور و ستم
8- خوردن ميته و خون و گوشت خوك و آنچه بدون ياد خدا سر بريده شده بدون ضرورت
9- خوردن ربا
10- خوردن مال حرام، و به عبارت ديگر سُحْت
11- قمار بازى
12- كم فروشى و خيانت در كيل و وزن
13- تهمت به پاكدامنان
14- لواط و همجنس بازى
15- نااميدى از رحمت خدا
16- ايمنى از مكر و عذاب خدا در برابر گناهان
17- دلسردى از عنايت رب
18- كمك به ستمكاران
19- ميل به ستم پيشگان
20- قسم دروغ
21- حبس حقوق مردم بدون تنگ دست بودن
22- دروغ
23- كبر
24- اسراف
25- تبذير
26- خيانت
27- سبك شمردن حج
28- جنگ با اوليا و عاشقان حق
29- سرگرمى به امور بازدارنده از خداوند
30- اصرار و پافشارى بر گناهان