
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Imam-e Jawad peace be with him: If one becomes conscious of Allah people will love him although they are unwilling to be conscious of God.

☘Allamah Tabatabai☘
🌸"I recite Qoran once every month, and each time I recite this Qoran I feel it's not that previous Qoran I read. Due to the reason that I understand a lot of (new points of) wisdom from this book"🌸

☘ علامه طباطبایی رحمةالله عليه☘
🌸 من که هر ماه قرآن را یکبار ختم میکنم در هر بار می‌بینم انگار اصلاً این قرآن، آن قرآن قبلی نیست که خوانده‌ام از بس که مطالب تازه از این کتاب می‌فهمم!

💎 Imam e Bāqer Alaihissalam says:

There are top three best things one can ask from Allah.

💎 Allah make me most knowledgeable in faith and religion.

💎 Allah make me most beloved one among those who love you and you love them.

💎 Allah Make my name well known for the people of the future.
📚 Amali Sheykh Toosi: Hadith 603.

💎قال ابوجعفر الباقر عليهما الصلاة و السلام:
ثلاثٌ لَم يُسألِ اللّهُ عَزَّ و جلَّ بِمِثلِهِنَّ: أن تقولَ:
1️⃣اللّهُمّ فَقِّهْني في الدِّينِ،
2️⃣و حَبِّبْني إلَى المُسلِمينَ،
3️⃣و اجعَلْ لي لِسانَ صِدقٍ فِي الآخِرينَ.

Mohammad Hasnain Haikal
An Egyptian thinker
Forty years ago said:
"Saudi Arabia will fight Yemen
And Saudi Arabia will sink in Yemen. Yemen wins.
And if that doesn't happen
Take my body out of the grave
And burn it and burn all my books".

ستحارب السعودية اليمن
و ستغرق السعودية في اليمن
و تنتصر اليمن
و إن لم يحصل هذا
اخرجوا جثتي من القبر
و احرقوها و احرقوا مؤلفاتي.
محمد حسنين هيكل

محمد حسنین هیکل
متفکر مصری۴۰ سال قبل:
سعودی با یمن جنگ خواهد کرد و در یمن غرق خواهد شد و شکست خواهد خورد و اگر چنین نشد جسدم را از خاک بیرون بیاورید و همراه تمام مؤلفاتم بسوزانید!

محمد حسنیس ہیکل
مصری کے متفکر ۴۰ سال قبل
بہت جلد سعودی حکومت یمن سے جنگ کا آغاذ کرے گی اور سعودیہ یمن میں غرق ہوگا. اور یمن کی جیت ہوگی. اور اگر ایسا نہ ہوا تو میری لاش کو قبر سے نکال اگر آگ لگا دینا اور میری کتابوں کو بھی جلا دینا
~محمد حسنین ہیکل
مصری متفکر

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Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Forty Narrations regarding the End of Time: near the appearance of Imam Mahdi, May God hasten His reappearance:

🌺1- "In a far distant time, becoming wealthy will be through usurpation and fraud".
✔ Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺2- "In a far distant time, people will accuse the believer of being dumb and
✔Imam Sadiq (peace be with him)

🌺3- "In a far distant time, self-publicity and counterfeiting will be prevalent".
✔Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺4- "In a far distant time, from Islam only its name will remain".
✔Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺5- "In a far distant time, truth will be kept hidden".
✔️Imam Ali (peace be with him)

🌺6- "In a far distant time, (extreme) extravagance will be common, even for the water of ablution and shower".
✔️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺7- "In a far distant time, people will sleep late nights and miss their morning (fajr) prayers".
✔️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺8- "In a far distant time, a person who calls believers to prayer will seek refuge in the oppressed ones".
✔️️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺9- "In a far distant time, the wives will be the direction of worship".
✔️️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺10- "In a far distant time, people will flee from religious scholars".
✔️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺11- "In a far distant time, a believer will be neglected and transgressors will be respected".
✔️Imam Askari (peace be with him)

🌺12- "In a far distant time, women will wear immodest covering (tight apparel) and decrease in proper clothing".
✔️️Imam Ali (peace be with him)

🌺13- "In a far distant time, scholars will be identified through lavish apparel".
✔️️️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him an his progeny)

🌺14- "In a far distant time, Islam will be misused, desecrated, and defamed".
✔️️Imam Ali (peace be with him)

🌺15- "In a far distant time, to preserve faith, one must escape places of sin".
✔️️️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺16- "In a far distant time, committing of sins will be blamed on God".
✔️️️️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺17- "In a far distant time, some scholars will aim for public praise".
✔️️️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺18- "In a far distant time, the nation of Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny) will be divided into many many sects".
✔️️️️️Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him and his progeny)

🌺19- "In a far distant time, the most closest and reliable friend to people will be books".
✔️️Imam Sadiq (peace be with him)

🌺20- "In a far distant time, worship will be performed for social ranks".
✔️️️Imam Ali (peace be with him)

(To be continued)

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🔷 This saying of Avecina ( Bu Ali Sina an Iranian Philosopher ) is an alchemy 🔷

💠 A little of everything is medicine
💠 Sufficient of everything is beneficial
💠 A lot of everything is poison

🌸 Even though Affection.

🌼 Don't be an excessive droll on someone because it will destruct your respect.
🌼 Don't do favor on someone more than he deserves because it will result in your duty.
🌼 Don't love someone more than he deserves. If you do you will be considered blind.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Imam Ali, peace be with him:

🌴"In the presence of seven types of people, do not speak about seven things, so that you may be a successful man:

🌺 1) In the presence of the poor, do not boast about your wealth

🌺 2) In the presence of the sick, do not exult about your health

🌺 3) In the presence of the weak (and incapable), do not show off your strength (and power)

🌺 4) In the presence of the grief-stricken, do not show your gladness

🌺 5) In the presence of the prisoner, do not bring forth the topic of your freedom

🌺 6) In the presence of childless couples, do not praise your children

🌺 7) In the presence of orphans, do not talk about your mother and father

The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds.
~Will Durant

مشكلي كه اكثر مردم دارند اين است كه با آرزوها و ترس ها و هوس ها تصميم ميگيرند بجاي اين از مغز (عقل) استفاده كنند.
~ويل دورانت

اكثر لوگوں خوف، خواهش اور چاہتوں كى بنياد پر فيصلے بناتے هيں بجاي اسكے كہ ذهن اور عقل سے كام ليں
~ويل ڈیورانٹ

अधिकतर लोगों की समस्या ये है कि ये लोग डर, चाहत और इच्छाओं की बुन्याद पर फ़ैसले बनाते हैं जबकि उन्हें ज़ेहन और अक़्ल इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए।
~विल डूरैंट

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

🌴The Prophet, peace be with him and his progeny, said:

📜ليس الأعمىٰ من يعمىٰ بصره، إنما الأعمىٰ من تعمىٰ بصيرته

📜"The blind one is not someone who has lost his eyesight, but the one who has lost his insight".

-[Mizan ul-Hikmah, pg. 138, no. 781]
-[Kanz al-Ummāl, no. 1220]

