
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

Narrative of Haj Ahmad and Agha Imām Zamān عج الله فرجه (May God hasten his reapperence):

💠Narrated by hojjatul Islam Sayyed Fatemi

🔹Haj Ahmad was a pious believer who used to live in Najaf. For twenty plus years he was in deep love with the Imam of the Time. He would often go to shrines, the Ka'ba, and other sacred locations with the intent of seeing and meeting the twelfth Imam. For 20 plus years he continued supplicating and endeavoring to see the Imam.

🔹One day during his olden age, he visited Imām Ali's shrine and complained to him that his son (Imām Zamān) is not wanting to see him.

After complaining and weeping his heart out of misery (of not being able to see the Imam), he went home and decided life was not worth living anymore. So he sat down in a state of trance and decided that it was best to prepare to just die with loosing hope (of old age).

🔹After sometime, while sitting and slowly losing consciousness, a voice (or perhaps a figure) told him to go to such and such location to see the Imam. Full of energy, he arose and hurried to a locksmith’s (key-maker's) small store. As he entered, there was an old man locksmith Haj Ali and a youthful man standing beside Haj Ali, whom Haj Ahmad identified immediately as the Imam.

🔹When Haj Ahmad had entered, Imam instructed him: "Be silent, and now see and listen". Then the Imam and locksmith (Haj Ali) had a conversation like best buddies, perhaps asking the Imam if he remembered that time they visited hajj together, some other time that ziyarah together or that one time... (So forth).

🔹As the Imam and locksmith were speaking, a helpless woman entered and asked the key-maker (Haj Ali) if he can buy her lock for 3 dinars, since her child was sick and needed medicine. Haj Ali looked at the lock and said that it's worth was 10 dinars, not 3. Locksmith told the woman that he can make a key for lock if she want to use it, her reply was negative since she was in the need of some money. The locksmith said otherwise is she sells it for 10 Dinar only then he will buy it. She was more happy that locksmith is ready to pay her more for her used lock.

Haj Ali gave her 10 Dinars, and happily with joy the woman left. After a few strides, she returned and told Haj Ali that she would like to pray for him. The woman prayed: "Oh God may Haj Ali's hand always be in the hands of Imam Mahdi".

🌹Imam Mahdi raised his hands and replied "elahi ameen".

🌹Imam then told Haj Ahmad (who observed everything) that as long as you become like this locksmith (Haj Ali (and share your blessing sincerely with the needy, without showing off your kindness and favor, and not neglect them or hide yourself from them, or God forbid reject them without any help, and instead apply action of purity to your lives alongside supplication and mere hope), only then I will see you and you will see me.

Forwarded From IEC-MD - مركز تعليمات اسلامى واشنگتن
امیرالمؤمنین علی علیه السلام:

ناامید و مایوس نکنید کسی را که امیدش(حل مشکلش) بستگی به شما دارد.

💠 Imām Zayn-ul Ābedin (peace be with him) said,
🔷🔶 To support (someone or something) that is blameworthy and punishable is when a person considers the evil people of his own nation and race to be better and prefers them over the good people of another nation or race.

🔷🔶 It is not considered partisanship or bigotry to love one’s people of his own nation and race, rather it is when a person loves them in spite of their wrongdoing and aids them therein.’
📚 al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 308, no. 7

💠 از امام زين العابدين سلام الله عليه در مورد عصبيت و نژادپرستي سوال شد:
🔷🔶 حضرت فرمود: عصبيتي كه بخاطر آن انسان متعصب دچار گناه مي شود اين است كه اشرار قوم و نژاد خويش را بهتر از افراد خوب ملل ديگر بداند.
🔷🔶 اما دوست داشتن مردان قوم و نژاد خود عصبيت نيست بلكه كمك و همكاري بر گناه افراد قوم خود عصبيت (وگناه) است.

💠 الإمام زين العابدين (سلام الله عليه) لَمّا سُئلَ عَنِ العَصَبِيَّةِ:
🔷🔶 قال العَصَبِيَّةُ الّتي يَأثَمُ عَلَيها صاحِبُها أن يَرَى الرَّجُلُ شِرارَ قَومِهِ خَيراً مِن خِيارِ قَومٍ آخَرينَ ،
🔷🔶 ولَيسَ مِنَ العَصَبِيَّةِ أن يُحِبَّ الرَّجُلُ قَومَهُ، ولكِن مِنَ العَصَبِيَّةِ أن يُعينَ قَومَهُ عَلَى الظُّلمِ

💠इमाम सज्जाद ज़ैनुल आबेदींन से जातिवाद के सम्बंध में प्रश्न हुआ।

🔷🔶 इमाम ने फ़रमाया: जातिवाद या क़ौमपरस्ती जिसमें इंसान अपनी जाति या क़ौम के बुरे लोगों को दूसरी जाति या क़ौम के अच्छे लोगों से बेहतर समझे, ऐसा जातिवाद पाप और गुनाह है।

🔷🔶 जबकि अपनी क़ौम या जाती के लोगों से प्रेम और मोहब्बत करना जातिवाद नहीं है। परंतु अपनी जाति या क़ौम के लोग जब अत्याचार करे तब उनकी सहायता करना जातिवाद और क़ौमपरस्ती है।

📚 Encyclopedia of India. Vol, 01 A-D

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📚 Encyclopedia of India. Vol, 02 E-J

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📚 Encyclopedia of India. Vol, 03 K-R

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📚 Encyclopedia of India. Vol, 04 S-Z

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Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom