
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
✅Imam Ali (peace be with him) said:
🔵”The virtues of wisdom are dearer to me than the virtues of worship,
🔵And the best way to practice religion is through avoidance of sin”.
📚Tohaf-ul Uqūl, sayings of Imam Ali, no41

✅قال الإمام امير المؤمنين علي (سلام الله عليه):
🔵فضل العلم أحبّ إليّ من فضل العبادة،
🔵و أفضل دينكم الورع

✅امام علی علیہ السلام نے فرمایا:
🔵"علم اور حکمت کی فضیلت، مجھے عبادت کی فضیلت سے زياده پسند ہے،
🔵اور دین پر عمل کرنے کا بہترین طریقہ، هر طرح كے گناہوں سے دوري اور اجتناب کرنا ہے۔”
📚تحف العقول، فرمان امام علی، ن ۴۱

✅इमाम अली ने फ़रमाया:
🔵ज्ञान और विद्ध्या का महत्व मुझे इबादत के महत्व से अधिक और बढ़ कर प्रीय है।
🔵और बेहतरीन धार्मिक होना का तरीक़ा, हर प्रकार के पाप और गुनाह से स्वयं जो बचाना है।

✅حضرت امير امام علي سلام الله عليه فرمود:
🔵فضيلت علم و دانش براي من محبوب تر از فضل عبادت است.
🔵و بهترين دينداري دوري و پرهيز كردن از هر نوع گناه است.

💠 @AbodeofWisdom 💠

💠The Master of the faithful, Imam Ali (peace be with him) said:

📌“One who is bestowed four (opportunities) is not deprived of four (outcomes):

⚜One who is allowed to supplicate is not deprived of a response (from God)
⚜One who is allowed to offer repentance is not deprived of its acceptance
⚜One who is allowed to seek forgiveness is not deprived of forgiveness
⚜And one who is allowed to be grateful is not deprived of increase (in favors and sustenance).
📚Nahjul Balagha saying 135

💠 @AbodeofWisdom 💠

💠قال الإمام امير المؤمنين علي (عليه السلام):
📌من اُعطى اربعا لم يحرم اربعا:
⚜من اُعطى الدّعاء لم يحرم الإجابة
⚜و من اُعطى التّوبة لم يحرم القبول
⚜و من اُعطى الاستغفار لم يحرم المغفرة
⚜و من اُعطى الشّكر لم يحرم الزّيادة

💠 @AbodeofWisdom 💠

💠امیرالمومنین امام علی علیہ السلام نے فرمایا:
📌وہ شخص جس کو چار مواقع عطا ہوں، وہ چار نتائج سے محروم نہیں رہتا:
⚜وہ شخص جس کو دعا کی توفيق ہو، جواب سے محروم نہیں رہتا۔
⚜وہ شخص جس کو توبہ کرنے کی اجازت ہو، وہ قبولیت سے محروم نہیں رہتا۔
⚜وہ شخص جس کو مغفرت طلب کرنے کی حاجت ہو، وہ مغفرت سے محروم نہیں رہتا۔
⚜اور وہ شخص جس کو شکر ادا کرنے کی توقيق ملے، وہ مزید توفیقات اور رزق میں اضافے سے محروم نہیں رہتا۔
📚نہج البلاغہ، خطبہ ۱۳۵

💠 @AbodeofWisdom 💠

💠حضرت امير سلام الله عليه:
📌به کسی كه چهار چيز داده شود، محروم از چهار خصوصیت نمی‌شود:
⚜کسی که به او دعا عطا شود، از اجابت محروم نمی‌شود
⚜کسی كه توبه عطا شد، از قبول توبه محروم نمی‌شود
⚜کسی که استغفار به او داده شود، حتماً مغفرت شامل حالش می‌شود
⚜کسی که شکر به او داده شود، از زیاده محروم نیست

💠 @AbodeofWisdom 💠

💠इमाम अली ने फ़रमाया है:
📌जिसे चार चीजें मिल जाएँ वो चार चीजों से वंचित नहीं होता।
⚜जिसे दुआ मिल जाए वह उत्तर और स्वीकृति से वंचित नहीं होता।
⚜जिसे तोबा और पश्चाताप मिल जाए उसे स्वीकृति भी मिल जाति है।
⚜जिसे क्षमा माँगने का गुण आ जाये वो क्षमा से वंचित नहीं होता।
⚜जिसे कृतज्ञता, आभारी होना और शुक्र का तरीक़ा आ जाए वह वृद्धि और लाभ से वंचित नहीं होता

💠 @AbodeofWisdom 💠
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
تفصيل آيات القرآن الحكيم (قرآن موضوعي)
گردآورنده: ژول لابوم
با انضمام كتاب: المستدرك
مترجم از فرانسه به عربي: محمد فؤاد عبدالباقي
ترجمه فارسي آيات قرآن از: اقاي حاج شيخ مهدي الهي قمشه

Now that we have harmed nature we are begging nature to help us.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🌻Imam al-Husayn's special attention to the wayfarer's

🌸Allamah Tabatabai: "most who were successful in purifying their minds and thoughts, and were able to defend against satanic temptations, and therefore the sultanate of true understanding set within them were (able to reach these stations because) of these two:

A) during their recitation of Quran and the favors bestowed on him because of it, (they reflected on) who is the true reciter of Quran and at that moment they discover that the reciter of Quran is God, the Glorious.

B) secondly, (they benefited from) the close relation to Imam Husayn - peace be with him. Through him, they sought to remove the veils and barriers which needed to be removed for their wayfaring to God".

📚"Kernel of the kernels" P150 (farsi version).

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

Value of knowledge, contemplation and insightful understanding in the eyes of Imam Ali (peace be with him):

"أَلا لا خَيْرَ فى عِلم لَيْسَ فيهِ تَفَهُّمٌ، ألا لا خَيْرَ فى قرائة لَيْسَ فيها تَدَبُّرٌ، ألا لاَ خَيْرَ فى عِبادَة لَيْسَ فيها تَفَكُّرٌ"

Imam Ali (peace be with him) said:

🔷🔶Be aware! Knowledge without perception has no profit!

🔷🔶Be aware! Recitation of the Qur’an without thoughtful deliberation and insight following it, is of little use!

🔷🔶Be aware! Worship lacking contemplation in it has no effect!

📚Al-Kafi, Volume One, Page 36
Tuhaful Uqul, Maani Al-Akhbar, page 226; Bihar Al-Anwar Volume 2, page 48-49, Aalamu Addeen, page 100, Mishkat Al-Anwar 137-138, Muniat Almureed 162.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

The Basis of a Perfect Religion

💢💢Four things complete or perfect one's religion. These four VALUES are the basis to which faith, worship and religious deeds must be placed upon. And after this basis, one then has to follow Obligatory (Wajib) deeds and prevent himself from forbidden (Haraam) deeds with the help of performing recommended actions(Mostahab) and refraining from ugly actions.

💢💢In his wisdom conveying to Imam Ali (peace be with him), in the book "Tuhaf al-Uqul" by Ibne Sho’beh Harrani, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace be with him and his progeny) mentions that there are four essential things which perfect and complete ones religion as Islam:

🔷🔶1) 'Sidq' (honesty and always being on the truth’s side)

🔷🔶2) 'Shukr' (being thankful of God at all times. The best way to be thankful is to safeguard oneself from all prohibitions according to Imam Sadiq (peace be with him).

🔷🔶3) 'Haya' (modesty: to always be aware of God's presence. Not to cross respectful, Godly boundaries, which may potentially shatter the dignity between two folks).

🔷🔶4) 'Husn-ul Khulq' (cheerful, beautiful, good, and positive attitude with all of creation of God... Not just with Muslims or people from one's own community).

Forwarded From islamic medicine
The closest pharmacy to man is prayer. Do not neglect prayer therapy, for it is the best.
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🌳"Azadāri gatherings should be just as attractive as Husain ibn-e Ali’s (peace be with them) personality".
         ~ Āyatollāh Syed Sajid Naqvi

🌳عزاداري کے اجتماعات كو اتنا ہی پر کشش ہونا چاہئے جتنی پر کشش اور جذاب حسين ابن علي كي شخصيت ہے۔
~آیت الله سيد ساجد نقوی (حفطه الله)

🌳 اجتماعات روضه و عذاي سيد الشهداء بايد همان قدر جذاب باشد كه شخصيت خود اباعبدالله الحسين بن علي (عليهماالسلام) است
~آيت الله سيد ساجد نقوي.
