
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
✅ Does a Pious man and a Transgressing Sinner View the World the Same?

🔸Piety and Purity filtrate and make subtle (our) feelings and emotions. It isn't such that a Pious individual who has kept himself safe from filth, wicked actions and impurities, (who has saved himself from drowning in) the ocean of flattery, (who has saved himself from) servanthood to servants and ingratiating to them, who has retained and kept pure his conscience, who has saved his dignity, honor, and human freedom, who's focus is on essence and meaning and not superficialities; (with all these in mind) such a figure cannot have similar feelings and emotions with one who has drowned himself in his whimsical desires and filth and who has lost himself only in the world of multiplicity and the corporeal world.

🔹Certainly his (pious man's) feelings and emotions are far better, filtered through pureness, and subtler. The effects (of the Purity of his action) make him spiritually more elegant and beautiful. He sees the world and it's beauties in a different way (than the transgressor). He senses more sharply and accurately the splendor of the intellect which is present in this realm.

📝Ostad Mutahhari, "Dah Goftar", pg. 61


✅ آیا انسان باتقوا و انسان فاسق، دنیا را مثل هم می‌بینند؟

🔸تقوا و طهارت، عواطف و احساسات را رقیق‌تر و لطیف‌تر می‌کند. این‌طور نیست که آدم باتقوا که خود را از پلیدی‌ها و کارهای زشت و کثیف، از ریا و تملّق، از بندگی و کاسه‌لیسی دور نگه داشته، ساحت ضمیر خود را پاک نگه داشته، عزت و مناعت و آزادمنشی خود را حفظ کرده، توجهش به معنا بوده نه به ماده، یک همچو شخصی نوع‏ احساساتش با احساسات یک آدم غرق در فحشا و پلیدی و غرق در مادیات یکی باشد.

🔹مسلماً احساسات او عالی‌تر و رقیق‌تر و لطیف‌تر است، تأثرات او در مقابل زیبایی‌های معنوی بیشتر است، دنیا را طور دیگری و با زیبایی دیگری می‌بیند، آن جمال عقلی را که در عالم وجود است بهتر حس می‌کند.

📝 استاد مطهری، ده گفتار، ص۶۱

🔻کانال رسمی «بنیاد شهید مطهری»🔻
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Loving but not Following

✔️Ayatollah Mutahhari States:

📍“...some from this group go to the extremes and consider simply the claim of having faith, or in reality a simple affiliation, to be the criterion of judgement”.

📍For example, the Murji’i sect in the era of a Banu Umayya would propagate this idea, and fortunately, with the decline of Banu Umayya, they also ceased to exist. In that age, the Shi’a position, inspired by the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt, was opposite to the Murji’i one, but unfortunately the Murji’i view has lately taken hold in new clothing among some of the common (self-proclaimed) Shi’as.

📍Some simpleminded Shias consider mere affiliation with Amir al-Mu’mineen (peace be with him) to be sufficient for salvation, and this idea is the basic factor behind the Shias poor state in the modern era”.

📚Divine Justice by Ayatollah Mutahhari, pg. 282

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
I firmly say: "whenever the opposition in regards to one's truthful belief has been neglected, then the truth itself would move toward spoilage. It means that common people will gather around this truthful-belief and entwist it, mix it and generate additions of falsehood in it, such that truth would be harmed from its own followers.

Always, losses to truthful belief, caused by its followers, certainly have bigger harmful impact as compared to those caused by the opponents of that truthful-belief ".

📚Shahid Ayatollah Motahhari; Great effort of Islam and freedom of belief, page 116.

Ayatollah Mutahari's Take on Religion and Contemplation:
🔰"Woe upon people who think that religion has no ties with contemplation and logic, and that all (religion) has to do with is only God, the Prophet, and Imams (in their superficial perspectives, and not a deeper analyzation of them)".

🔰استاد شهید مطهری:
وای به حال مردمی که بپندارند که دین ربطی به فکر و منطق ندارد و صرفا اعتقاد مجمل و سربسته به خدا و پیغمبر و امام است.

استاد شهید مطهری: بہت بدبخت اور بدنصیب ہیں وہ لوگ جو یہ سونچتے ہیں کہ دیں کا رابطہ انسان کی فکر و خیال، منطق اور سونچ سے نہیں ہے، بلکہ ایک خیالی گمان اور مبہم اعتقاد خدا، پیغمبر اور امام کے بارے میں رکھتے ہیں۔
📚یادداشتهای_استاد_مطهری ، جلد13 /ص131
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

Someone went to Abu Saīd Abol Khayr and said: "Someone is truly significant and amazing if he fly".

He said: "this isn't significant, a housefly also flies".

He said: "well what do you say about one who... Walks on water?"
He said: "it's not significant either, a piece of wood can do that too".

So he asked him: "then in your opinion.. what is significant?"

He replied: "living amongst people and never hurting them with your tongue, not ever lying, not defrauding, not breaking hearts, not benefiting wrongly from someone's trust in you, and not making trouble that causes anger to arise against you... This surely is significant".


به ابوسعید ابوالخیر،گفتند: فلانی قادر است پرواز کند، گفت:این که مهم نیست، مگس هم میپرد.
گفتند:فلانی را چه میگویی..؟؟روی آب راه میرود..! گفت:اهمیتی ندارد،تکه ای چوب نیز همین کار را میکند.
گفتتند: پس از نظر تو شاهکار چیست..؟ گفت:این که در میان مردم زندگی کنی ولی هیچگاه به کسی زَخم زبان نزنی،دروغ نگویی، کلک نزنی٬دلی نشکنی٬از اعتماد کسی سوءاستفاده نکنی وکسی را از خود ناراحت نکنی.
این شاهکار است


کسی نے ابو سعید ابوالخیر سے کہا: فلاں شخص ہوا میں اُڑ سکتا ہے! اُنہوں نے جواب دیا: اِس میں کون سی بات ہے، مککھی بھی تو اُڑتی ہے۔
پھر اُس شخص نے کہا اور فلاں شخص پانی پر چل سکتا ہے! ابوسید نے جواب دیا: اس بات کی بھی کویی اہمیت نہیں، ایک لکڑی کا ٹکڑا بھی پانی پر چل لیتا ہے۔
شخص نے سوال کیا پھر آپکی نظر میں شاہکار کام کیا کے؟ ابو سعید نے جواب دیا: شاہکار کام یہ ہے کہ لوگوں کے درمیان زندگی بسر کرو لیکن کسی کو اپنی زبان سے زخم نہ لگائو، جھوٹھ نہ بولو، دھوکا نہ دو، دل نہ توڑو، کسی کے اعتماد اور بھروسے کو ٹھیس نہ پہنچائو اور کسی کو ناراض نہ کرو، یہ شاہکار زندگی ہے۔

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🌻Heavenly Values Prescribed by the Messenger of Allah

❇️Anas ibn Malik narrates from the Messenger of Allah (peace be with him and his progeny) who said:

🌷"Accept these six (values) from me and I will accept (and guarantee) you into Paradise.

🌲When you speak, don't lie
🌲When you promise, don't break it
🌲When you are entrusted, do not decieve
🌲Lower your gaze (from the unlawful)
🌲Guard your privates (via modesty)
🌲Hold your hands and tongues (from sinning and or hurting others).

📚Khisal Saduq, p.321
📚"Bundle of Flowers", compiled by Ayatollah Sayed Kamal Faghih Imani, p. 113

❇️ عن انس بن مالک قال:
🌷قال رسول الله صلّی الله علیه و آله تقبّلوا لی بستّ اتقبّل لکم بالجنّة:

🌲إذا حدّثتم فلا تكذبوا،
🌲و اذا وعدتم فلا تخلفوا،
🌲و اذا ائتمنتم فلا تخونوا،
🌲و غضّو ابصاركم،
🌲و حفظوا فروجكم،
🌲و كفّوا ايديكم و السنتكم

❇️انس ابن مالک نے نقل کیا ہے:
🌷جناب رسول اللہ ﷺ نے فرمایا، کہ اگر تم میری چھہ باتوں کو مان لو تو میں تمھیں جنت لے جانے کا وعدہ ديتا ہوں۔
🌲جب بھی بولو تو سچ ہی بولو گے۔
🌲جب بھی وعدہ کرو تو اُسے نبھائو اور اپنے وعدے کی مخالفت نہ کرو گے۔
🌲جب کوئی تمھارے اُوپر اطمینان اور یقین کرے تو اُس سے خیانت نہ کرو (جب کوئی تمھارے اوپر اعتماد اور بھروسہ کرے تو اسے ٹھیس نہ پہنچائو)۔
🌲اپنی نگاہوں کو جُھکا کے رکھو گے (حرام کام کا انجام دینا تو دور، اُس کی طرف دیکھو گے بھی نہیں)۔
🌲ناجایز جنسی رابطہ سے خود کو
محفوظ رکھو گے (یعنی صرف نکاح اور متعہ کے ذریعہ رابطہ رکھو گے)۔
🌲اپنی ہاتھوں اور زبان کو اپنے قابو میں رکھو (تا ان اعضا سے دوسروں کو کسی بھی طرح کی تکلیف نہ پہنچے)۔

❇️انس بن مالک نقل کردہ:
🌷پیامبر اکرم حضرت محمد صلی الله علیه و آله فرمود: شش چيز را براى من ضمانت كنيد تا من بهشت را براى شما ضمانت كنم،
🌲اگر حرف زديد راست بگوييد،
🌲زماني كه وعده داديد تخلف نكنيد،
🌲اگر ديگران به شما اعتماد كردند هرگز خيانت نكنيد،
🌲چشمتان را پايين نگهداريد (به طرف حرام نگاه هم نكنيد)،
🌲از فرْج خود محافظت كنيد (فقط از راه حلال مثل ازدواج دائم يا موقت ارتباط برگزار كنيد)،
🌲دست و زبان را از اذیت و آزار دیگران نگهداريد.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Signs of a Shīa’h of Imām Ali (peace be with him)

🌻Imam Sadiq (peace be with him) stated: "Our followers are such:
1⃣Being on the path of (submission under our) authority, they spend with generosity.
2⃣Being on the path of close friendship to us, they remain (attached via) brotherly affection to each other
3⃣Being on the path of preserving our faith and school (of Ahlulbayt), they spread it (the values) through visiting each other
4⃣Even though angry, they still don't oppress (or hurt)
5⃣Because they're content, they do not exceed into extravagance
6⃣For their neighbors, they serve to be a means of blessing,
7️⃣and are peaceful and serene with regards to those they sit with".
📚Kafi, vol. 2, page 236-237
🌻 @AbodeofWisdom

🔹 قال الصادق عليه السلام:
🔸 شيعَتُنَا المُتَباذِلونَ فى وِلايَتِنا،
🔸 اَلمُتَحابّونَ فى مَوَدَّتِنا
🔸 اَلمُتَزاوِرونَ فى اِحياءِ اَمرِنا
🔸 اَلَّذينَ اِن غَضِبوا لَم يَظلِموا
🔸 وَ اِن رَضوا لَم يُسرِفوا،
🔸 بَرَكَةٌ عَلى مَن جاوَروا
🔸 سِلمٌ لِمَن خالَطوا؛

🌻امام صادق(سلام الله عليه) فرمود: شيعيان ما كسانى اند كه
1⃣ در راه ولايت ما بذل و بخشش مى كنند،
2⃣ در راه دوستى ما به يكديگر محبت مى نمايند،
3⃣ در راه زنده نگه داشتن امر و مكتب ما به ديدار هم مى روند،
4⃣ چون خشمگين شوند، ظلم نمى كنند،
5⃣ چون راضى شوند، زياده روى نمى كنند،
6⃣ براى همسايگان مايه بركتند
7️⃣ و نسبت به هم نشينان خود در صلح و آرامش اند.
📚کلینی، كافى، ج۲، ص۲۳۶ـ۲۳۷

🌻امام صادق(سلام الله عليه) نے فرمایا؛ ہمارے شیعہ ایسے ہیں،
🔸ہمارے شیعہ ہماری ولایت اور محبت کی راہ میں خرچ کرتے ہیں۔
🔸ہماری محبت کی راہ میں ایک دوسرے سے محبت کرتے ہیں۔
🔸ہمارے نظام کو زندہ رکھنے کے لیے ایک دوسرے سے میل جول رکھتے ہیں۔
🔸اگر انھے غصہ ہی آیے تو ظلم نہیں کرتے۔
🔸جب راضی اور خوش ہوں تو اسراف نہیں کرتے۔
🔸اپنے پڑوسیوں کے لیے کام آنے والے اور برکت ہوتے ہیں۔
🔸اور ملنے جُلنے والوں کے لیے سکون اور آرامش کے باعث ہیں۔

🌻 @AbodeofWisdom
📍A Story Regarding Muharram Processions (Azadari)

🔊Ayatollah Mutahhari

📍A Story Regarding Muharram Processions (Azadari)
🌐Transcript of Above Video: a Story regarding Muharram Processions (Azadari)

💠Ayatollah Mutahhari:

🔹“I will never forget this story. And I constantly repeat it. During that time I was in Qom. It was during the beginning of Ayatollah Borujerdi’s ‘Marja’eyat’ and he was the sole ‘Marja’ whom majority of the people emulated.

🔹The people of Qom used to do a lot for the mourning processions (Azadari) of Muharram, and perhaps still do. (They used to do) Drum hitting, stone throwing, bringing out symbolic objects (i.e. empty coffin, flags, etc.), men dressing as women, and other strange theatrical performances regarding these matters, the late Ayatollah Borujerdi was sensitive. Meaning he found them contemptible, and he really wished to abolish these customs.

🔹A few days before the days of such festivity arrive, for example the 6th and 7th days of Muharram, he said to invite the heads of all the groups (‘anjuman’) of Qom to his house. They all came. Then he spoke to them, and the first question he asked them was:

🔸‘Friends! Tell me, who do you follow for your religious guidance (emulate)?’

🔸Everyone responded: ‘Agha! We emulate you.’

🔸He replied: ‘You all emulate me?’

🔸They all answered: ‘Yes.’

🔸So he said: ‘In my rulings, many of the things that you do for Azadari (mourning), these actions (and he listed them) are all forbidden.’

🔸(They expressed their surprise): ‘Really?’

🔹They want to make a spectacle. The excuse for day of Ashura is Azadari, but in reality, it (becomes) a show of amusement and entertainment.

🔸So the heads were lowered (in shame). But one of them returned and responded back:

🔸’Agha! Out of the 354 lunar days in a year, we are your followers for 353 days.. but this one day, we are not your followers.’

✅ إِن يَتَّبِعُونَ إِلاّ الظَّنَّ وَمَا تَهْوَی الْأنفُسُ

✅“They follow nothing but conjecture. And the desires of the (lower) soul [Qur’an 52: 23].”

🔹Whenever one is under the sway of his impulsive whims and wants, then (know that) from here things happen.

📍Is this rational?

📍Is it within teachings of Islam?

📍Does it go along with the grand scholar’s verdict (fatwa)?

▪️So what does it go with?
“I” felt like doing this deed. When ego wants, it’ll make a thousand errors.”
