
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Fatimi
After his Arrival, Imam al-Mahdi (aj) will introduce himself to the world through the name of the Master of the Martyrs, Imam Husein (as). He will say: "O peoples of the world! I am the son of Husein! My forfather was Husein!". It is our failure that the world still does not know Husein (as).

#Bahyat ra
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Aba Abdillah Imam Husain (peace be with him) was thirstier for a reply to his call (following his knowledge, wisdom and footsteps) more so than water. It’s quite unfortunate that instead of his teachings and thoughts, some have shown instead only his wounds, injuries, and thirst!

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
💠Some notes from Shaheed Mutahhari..

✔️On page 20-21 of "Hamasa e Husaini" (farsi text):

1⃣ There are two pages in the incident of Karbala
-Bright page
-Dark page

🔸Dark Page--> only the injustice and oppression by figures such as Shimr, Yazid, Omar Sa'ad, etc (whipping of innocent women and children, rejecting offers of water to a human, brutally killing infants, etc). [Note: this aspect of the Karbala incident is often recreated and advocated by the people].

🔹Bright Page--> the noble luminosity of Husain Ibn Ali, courageousness, manifestations of truth and humanitarianism, manifestation of Truth worshipping, (universal motifs fitted to befit everyone and not just one culture or community)

2⃣ People of today's society have become like Jibrael in the sense when he asked God on His decision to establish a "khalifa" on the Earth (Inni jāelu fi ardha khalifa) he (Jibrael) only took into consideration man's previous dark past and not the bright aspect (because previously before Adam, the creatures before lived like animals. God replied "Inni a'lamu ma la tha'lamun" (I know that which you do not).

3⃣ Why should only the dark pages be pointed out, why are our poets only writing and researching the dark pages of oppression instead of the bright pages of luminosity of this universal incident?

4⃣ Husain (peace be with him) was not just killed in one day (for that is how we have taken and understood it). He is not like you and I. That was what Banu Ummaya thought when they decided to kill him. Husain (peace be with him) is a grand university who is living and dynamic, not static.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
💠Ayatollah Mutahhari:

✔️Notes from "Hamasa e Husaini", pg. 23:

🔹"This remembrance, this memory should never be forgotten, and people should always shed tears over this.

🔸However, in the lamentation of a hero, firstly his existence as a hero should be well established, and then mourning should be performed for him. If not, then superficially lamenting over a trampled, armless, legless, and innocent individual has no potential for the true shedding of tears, and a lamenting nation will have no impact.

🔹Mourning over the hero should be so that you can feel that heroic experience, so that the radiation of the Hero's spirit may shine onto your spirit, so that to an extent you could find a relation of bravery to truth and reality.

🔸You too (like the hero) should be pro-Justice, battle against oppression and the oppressor, be advocates of freedom, have utmost respect for freedom. Do you even understand what human nobility even is, what honor and humanitarianism are, what dignity means. If we read the bright page of the Husaini history, we could then be able to truly benefit from the mourning processions, if not then it will prove useless.

🔹We think Husain ibn Ali (peace be with him) is waiting in the hereafter so that people feel sorry for him- or nauzu billah- Hazrate Zahra (peace be with her) is also waiting in the shade of Gods mercy in the hereafter after 1300 years for a few people to cry for her so she feels consoled".

✳️Master of believers Imām Ali (peace be with him) said:
🟤Intellects are the leader of thoughts
🟤Thoughts are the leader of hearts
🟤Hearts are the leader of senses
🟤And senses are the leader of organs.

✳️اميرالمؤمنين علي سلام الله عليه:
🟣العقول ائمة الافكار،
🟣والافكار ائمة القلوب،
🟣و القلوب ائمة الحواس،
🟣والحواس ائمة الاعضاء.
الحياة ج١ ص٨٠

✳️حضرت امير سلام الله عليه:
🔵عقل ها امام و پيشوايان انديشه هايند،
🔵و انديشه ها پيشوايان دل ها هستند،
🔵دلها امام و پيشوايان حواس (پنجگانه) اند،
🔵و حواس پيشوايان اندام هايند.
(حواس پنجگانه: ديدن، شنيدن، بوئيدن، حرف زدن و لمس كردن)

✳️مولا حضرت علي نے فرمایا:
🧿عقل، افکار کے لیے رہبر ہے۔
🧿افکار دلوں کے لیے رہبر اور امام ہیں۔
🧿دل حواس کے رہبر اور امام ہیں۔
🧿اور حواس، اعضاے بدن کے امام اور رہبر ہیں۔
(حواس پانچ قوتوں کو کہتے ہیں: دیکھنا، سننا، بولنا، سوگھنا، اور چھونے کی قوت کو)

Forwarded From دیدگاه شیعه | Shia idea

🔳 واویلا!

#امام_حسین علیه‌السلام

.:: Shia idea...دیدگاه شیعه ::.
🌐 telegram.me/shiaidea
Forwarded From Sheikh Rajabu Shaban Kabavako
Assalaam alaykum, eleventh majlis of Muharram to mourn the assassination of imam Hussein (as), his family members and his companions in Karbala, This is held in Imam Sajjad madrasa, lake Tanganyika street, Kigoma Ujiji Municipality, Kigoma, Tanzania
Forwarded From انجمن بین‌المللی ترنم صلح
لا یوم کیومک یا ابا عبدالله...
There is no day like your day (ASHURA) o Aba Abdillah!
هیچ روزی مانند روز تو (عاشورا) نیست یا اباعبدالله الحسین ...
Forwarded From احاديث الدين والحياة
السلام عليك يا بطل العلقمي .. السلام عليك يا ابا الفضل العباس بن علي
♦️Hadith no 1: Avoid Fame

💠A man from the companions of Imam Ali said that heard Imam Ali b. Abi Talib (peace be with him) say:

✅“Abandon superiority, glory, and showing off; don’t make yourself popular (never aim to become famous); and remain unpopular, unknown, and unnoticed. And always keep our secrets (do not speak with our opponents, but if you do, do not disclose our secrets)** in your heart, and adopt silence (as your main state of being, even amongst friends).”

✅Then he pointed to his chest and said: “this (heart) likes virtuous ones (who have adopted the values of Qur’an, Prophet, and Imam Ali).”

✅Then with his hand pointing toward the people around him, (in reference to those who did not stand with the Commander of Believers), he said: “I consider them as blatant evil-doers and I detest them.”

📚Al-Amaali: Dictations of Sheikh al Mufeed, assembly no. 23, hadith no. 44

💠قال الامام علي امير المؤمنين:
🧿 تبذّل و لا تشهّر و أخف شخصك لئلا تذكر و تعلم، و اكتم و اصمت تسلم
و أوما بيده إلى صدره - تسرّ الابرار و تغيظ الفجّار - و أوما بيده إلى العامّة

💠مردي از ياران حضرت امير سلام الله عليه مي گويد:
🧿 از آنحصرت شنيدم كه مي فرمود: ترك حشمت بزرگي و خودنمايي كن و خود را مشهور مساز، و خود را پنهان كن تا ياد تو نكنند و شناخته نشوي و راز خود را پنهان دار و سكوت اختيار كن تا سالم بماني - و با دست خود به سينه اش اشاره كرد و فرمود - نيكان را دوست دارد - و بادست خود به عموم (اطراف خود) اشاره نمود و فرمود - فاجران را دشمن مي دارد.

💠امیرالمومنین علی علیہ السلام کے اصحاب میں سے ایک شخص نے
🧿 امیرالمومنین کو فرماتے سنا:
برتری، تعریف و توصیف اور دکھاوے کو ترک کرو، اپنے آپ کو شہرت مند نہ بنائو، اور ہمیشہ غیر آشنا، نا معلوم، اور غیر نمایاں بن کے رہو۔ اور ہمیشہ ہمارے اسرار کو اپنے دلوں میں پوشیدہ رکھو اور خاموشی اختیار کرو۔
پھر امیرالمومنین نے اپنے سینے کو طرف اشارہ کیا اور فرمایا: یہ (دل) تقوی والوں کو پسند کرتا ہے (جنہوں نے قرآن، رسول اللہ اور امام علی کی اقدار کو اپنایا ہے اور ساتھ دیا)
پھر اپنے گرد لوگوں کی جانب (ان لوگوں کی جانب جہھوں نے دنیا اور سیاست کی خاطر خاندان رسول اور اہلبیت کو تنہا چھوڑ دیا) اشارہ کرتے ہوئے فرمایا: میرا دل ان لوگوں سے نفرت کرتا ہے۔

**The secrets of AhlulBayt refer to their detestation of the people who abandoned them for worldly interest and positions of power.


♦️Hadith no 2: Well-Being

💠Leader and master of believers Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be with him):

✅“Well-being is in ten parts. Nine parts of it is in silence, except speaking in the path of Almighty God (that is, its best not to speak under the influence of worldly desires). And the last part is refraining from the foolish.”

📚”Dorratol Bahira”, compilation of Hadith by Shaheed al Awwal, no. 25

💠قال الامام امير المومنين علي سلام الله عليه:
❄️العافية عشرة أجزاء؛
تسعة منها في الصّمت إلّا بذكر اللّه،
و واحد في ترك مجالسة السّفهاء

💠حضرت اميرالمومنين امام علي فرمود:
❄️عافيت و سلامتي ده جز است كه نه قسمت آن در سكوت است مگر حرف زدن در مسير ياد خداي متعال و آن يكي در دوري گزيدن از سفيهان است.

💠امير المومنين امام علی ابن ابی طالب علیھما السلام نے فرمایا:
❄️عافیت دس اجزاء میں ہے۔ اس کے نو حصے خاموشی میں ہیں سوائے راہِ خدا میں کلام کرنے کے (یعنی دنیاوی خواہشات کے زیر اثر کلام نہ کرنا سب سے بہتر ہے)۔ اور آخری حصہ احمقوں کی محفلوں کو ترک کرنا ہے۔
