
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life

Imam Ali, peace be with him supplicated:

"O my Lord, grant me the perfection of devotion to You, and illuminate the sight of our hearts with the radiance of being able to behold You until the sight of our hearts pierces through the veils of light, reaching the source of Exaltedness, and our souls become attached to the glory of Your sacredness".

إلٓهى هب لي كمل الأنقطع إليك، و أنر أبصار قلوبنا بضياء نظر ها إليك، حتّىٰ تخرق أبصار القلوب حُجُبَ النّور، فتصل الىٰ معدن العظمة، و تصير أرواحنا معلّقة بعزّ قدسك

📚Munajāt Sha'bāniyah

Wish If the salafi rulers of muslim lands would see this carefully, a Syrian girl defends her mother's dead body with the fork. It seems that history has stopped around the 61st Hijri


Man has the authority of his own organs. Eyes, hands, feet are all in his control. Human is dominant on its organs and has a full authority on them. When ever he wants he can see with his eyes, when doesn't want won't. He can walk with his legs, but when doesn't want he can stop. All organs are governed by its ruler. But the heart is not so, one can not order the heart to not work today. The heart is in the hands of God, it take commands by the Almighty God, heart is the house of God which has been given to man for a time, it is a divine lending from god to humans. Imam-e Sadeq peace be with him said: the heart is the house and sanctuary of God so do not let some person or something to reside in it ( قال الامام الصادق عليه السَّلام القلب حرم الله، فلا تسكن حرم الله غير الله ). Neither personal affection nor affection of anything otherwise it's a treason. It is betrayal and disloyalty to God.


💠"Truth means the fulfillment of our self; and moral law means following the law of our being.

💠Truth is the beginning and end of material existence. Without truth there is no material existence. It is this reason that the moral man values truth".

📚 (The Wisdom of Confucius, pg. 86)


Imam Zaynul Abideen, peace be with him, glorified his Lord:

"Glory be to Thee!
Thou hears the breath of fish
In the lowest depths of the oceans!

Glory be to Thee!
Thou knows the weight of the heavens!
Glory be to Thee!
Thou knows the weight of the earths!

Glory be to Thee!
Thou knows the weight of the sun and moon!

Glory be to Thee!
Thou knows the weight of the darkness and light

Glory be to Thee!
Thou knows the weight of the shadow and the air!

Glory be to Thee!
Thou knows the weight of the wind,
How many times it is greater than the weight of an atom

سبحانك تسمع انفاس الحيتان فى قعور البحار
سبحانك تعلم وزن السموات
سبحانك تعلم وزن الأرضين
سبحانك تعلم وزن الشمس والقمر
سبحانك تعلم وزن اظلمة والنور
سبحانك تعلم وزن الفىء والهوآء
سبحانك تعلم وزن الريح كم هى من مثقال ذَرَّة

📚 (Glorification of Imam Sajjad #55 of Sahifa Sajjadiya)

Ayatollah Mutahari's Take on Religion and Contemplation:

🔰"Woe upon people who think that religion has no ties with contemplation and logic, and that all (religion) has to do with is only God, the Prophet, and Imams (in their general perspectives, and not a deeper analyzation of them)".

🔰استاد شهید مطهری:
وای به حال مردمی که بپندارند که دین ربطی به فکر و منطق ندارد و صرفا اعتقاد مجمل و سربسته به خدا و پیغمبر و امام است.
📚یادداشتهای_استاد_مطهری ، جلد13 /ص131

🔰استاد شہید مطہری:
افسوس اُن لوگوں پر جو سونچتے ہیں دین کا رابطہ فکر اور منطق سے نہیں ہے (یعنی دین فقط آداب و رسوم ہے) بلکہ صرف خدا رسول اور امام پر چند عقیدہ کا نام ہے

🔷 Imam Jafar Sadiq (peace be with him) said:
The true prisoner is one who is a captive of worldly concerns instead of the hereafter.

قال الإمام الصادق عليه السلام:
المسجون من سجنته دنياه عن آخرته


امام صادق سلام اللہ علیہ فرمود:
زندانی واقعی کسی است کہ در قید دنیاست بہ جای آخرت

امام صادق آل محمد علیہم السلام:
اصل قیدی وہ ہے جو آخرت كے بجائے دنیا کی قید میں گرفتار ہے

Directives from the grand Ayatollah Shaykh Ishaq Fayyadh may God prolong his life, Relayed by his son, Shaykh Mahmood during his visit, to the Unites States of America in April 2012
