
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
❇️Master of believers Imām Ali (peace be with him) said: “Through faith one will reach to the peak of (existential) prosperity and have an ending (full) of utmost happiness.”

❇️قال اميرالمومنين علي (سلام الله عليه): بِالإِيمانِ يُرتَقى إلى ذِروَةِ السَّعادَةِ ونِهايَةِ الحُبورِ
📖 غررالحكم حدیث4323

❇️اميرالمومنين امام على (سلام الله عليه) مي فرمايد:
با ايمان است كه مى توان تا اوج خوش بختى و نهايت شادمانى، بالا رفت

❇️اميرالمومنين امام علي نے فرمایا: ایمان کے ذریعہ سے سعادت، خوش نصیبی اور خوشیوں کے بلند ترین مقام تک پہنچا جا سکتا ہے۔

@AbodeofWisdom | Wisdoms of Ahlulbayt
Due to the several questions regarding Zakat Al-Fitra, Bayynat website decided to post some inquiries about the issue, that were answered by the late Religious Authority, grand Āyatollāh Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah (ra):


How to wait for Imam Al-Mahdi (aj)?

In one of Friday sermons his eminence, Sayyed Ali Fadlullah, celebrated the birth anniversary of Imam Al-Mahdi (aj); the Imam of our age.

He explained that the reappearance the Imam is not a dream, but a reality that has been established by the prophets and the Imams. He, then, detailed the reasons for awaiting an Imam whose time of appearance remains unknown.

The first is to give hope to the oppressed and the downtrodden, the second is to pursue the goals of whom we are waiting for, and the third is to arm ourselves with the ability of seeing things clearly; thus, always standing with the right and against falsehood.

Moreover, awaiting the Imam means that those who support him ought to be ready and to prepare the solid ground for his reappearance by standing with the downtrodden against the arrogant and rejecting any kind of injustice, backed with science so as to create a progressive society that has no place for backwardness.

We should not waste our time by counting the days and looking for signs which signify that his reappearance is imminent.

There have been many occasions in which it was said that the time for his reappearance has come, and then when it was proven wrong, no one stopped to reconsider and hold himself accountable for wasting people’s time and undermining their potentials. The same thing is being repeated now, despite the fact that his reappearance is part of the unseen which only Allah is aware of.

The Sayyed ended by calling on the people to make this occasion one of joy coupled with hard work to ensure that the word of Allah is the highest.


It’s been narrated that the last messenger of God prophet Mohammad ﷺ said, O Abāzar: If you follow a funeral, let your mind be occupied with contemplation and humility, and know that you are pursuing it.


روي: قال رسول الله ﷺ يا أباذر: إذا تبعت جنازة فليكن عقلك فيها مشغولا بالتفكر والخشوع واعلم أنك لاحق به.
امالي طوسي ٥٦٣


روایت شده است که آخرین پیامبر خدا حضرت محمد ﷺ فرمود: اي ابوذر هر گاه در تشييع جنازه اي شركت كردي، ذهنت مشغول فكر بهمراه فروتني باشد. و بدان كه تو نيز به آن (مرگ) ملحق مي شوي.


رسول خدا ﷺ نے فرمایا:
اے ابوذر جب تم کسی جنازہ میں شرکت کرو، تب تمہاری عقل کو نہایت متواضعانہ انداز سے مشغول غوروفکر ہونا چاہیے اور تمہیں معلوم ہونا چاہیے کہ تم بھی وہیں جا رہے ہو۔

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
With a sincere EID MUBARAK to all believers, a spiritual gift from the wisdom of prophethood:

💎💎God’s last beloved Prophet (peace be with him and his progeny) said💎💎

🔷🔶If you wish for God to increase your wealth, give zakat (support needy and helpless ones) from your possessions.

🔷🔶And if you wish for God to keep your body healthy, give abundant alms.


💎💎 النبي ﷺ أنه قال:
🔷🔶 إذا أردت أن يثري الله مالك فزكّه،
🔷🔶 وإذا أردت أن يصحّ الله بدنك، فأكثر من الصدقة.


💎💎حضرت رسول گرامي ﷺ:
🔷🔶اگر مي خواهي خدا دارايي ات را افزايش دهد پس آن را در راه خدا خرچ كن.
🔷🔶و اگر مي خواهي خدا سلامتي به تو عنايت كند پس زياد به ديگران كمك كن.


💎💎حضرت رسول رحمت ﷺ كا بيان ہے:
🔷🔶اگر چاہتے ہو کہ پروردگار تمھاری دولت میں ترقی دے تو اسے خدا کی راہ میں خرچ کرو
🔷🔶اور اگر چاہتے ہو کہ خداے متعال تمھیں صحت اور سلامتی عنایت فرمائے تو دوسروں کے ساتھ اپنی دولت کو تقسیم کرو۔

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Zakat-e Fitra is obligatory (Wajib) on the individual who is an adult, sane and financially capable.

Zakat-e Fitrah should be set aside on the eve preceding Eid-e Fitr day and be paid on the day itself, which marks the first day of the month of Shawwal. It may also be paid earlier to the poor/needy mominin, or to who will take the responsibility to distribute zakat-e fitrah during eid day to the needy/poor mominin. It is not necessary that the poor/needy to whom fitrah is given should know that this is as zakat-e fitrah.

From the time of sunset on the night preceding Eid day (last night of month of Ramadhan), until next day before Eid prayers (maximum delay in giving fitrah is till Zohr), person should give zakat-e fitrah with the only intention of “Qorbatan Ila-llah”, that is, to comply with the pleasure of Almighty Allah. He should give, for himself as well as on behalf of all those who are his dependents (even if one’s child is born before the sunset), about three kilos per head of wheat or barley or dates or raisins or rice or millet etc.

It is also sufficient if he pays the price of one of these items in cash. It is necessary that wheat or any other thing which a person gives as fitrah is not mixed with another commodity, dust, sand gravels, and if it is mixed, but in its pure form it equals about 3 kilos, and the quantity of the thing mixed with it is negligible or usable, there is no harm in it. If a person gives fitrah from a thing which is inferior or defective, it will not be sufficient.

It is not correct to give fitrah before the month of Ramadhan, and it is better that it should not be given even during the month of Ramadhan. However, if a person gives loan to a poor/needy momin person before Ramadhan, and adjusts the loan as fitrah on the night of preceding Eid day until eid-e fitr prayers, as to be used in the Eid day (when payment of fitrah becomes obligatory), there is no harm in it.

If a person does not give fitrah at the time when its payment becomes obligatory, and does not also set it aside, he should give fitrah later on the basis of precaution.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

Deeds (A’amāl) of the day and night of Eīd-ul Fitr

🔹 Worship (prayers and supplications) is very important on Eīd-ul Fitr's night.

It is narrated from Imām Sajjād (peace be with him) that he advised his children about this night and said:

This night is not less than that night. The Imām’s attention was the night of Qadr.

💠❶ It is recommended to take shower (Ghosl) around the sunset of the last day of the month of Ramadhan.

💠❷ It is recommended that after the recommended prayer of (Nawafel) Maghrib, while raising his hands, say...

🍃✨یا ذَالمَنِّ و الطَّولِ، یا مُصطَفی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ ناصِرَهُ، صلِّ عَلی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ اغفِر لی کُلَّ ذَنبٍ اَحصَیتَهُ و هُوَ عِندَکَ فی کِتابٍ مُبینٍ✨🍃

Then one should prostrate and say one hundred times while in prostration:
(اتوبُ الى الله)
Then ask prayers from God.
(It’s recommended you should start from others then yourself).

💠❸ Recite the following takbir during the time between Maghrebain up until before Eid prayers:

اَللّهُ اَکبَرُ، اَللّهُ اَکبَرُ،
لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَ اَللّهُ اَکبَرُ،
اللّهُ اکبَرُ و لِلّهِ الْحمْدُ،
اَللّهُ اکبَرُ عَلی ما هَدانا
وله الشكر على ما اولانا

 It is better not to leave this takbir in prayers.

💠❹ The most important thing in this night is the pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him). And Zeyārat of Imām Husain.

💠❺ It is recommended that on the day of Eid-ul Fitr, one should do the religious shower (Ghosl) and its better to begin the Ghosl with the Bismillāh and, after doing it, say:

✨اَللّهُمَ اجعَلهُ کفّارةً لِذُنوبی و طهِّر دینی وَ اذهَب عنّی الدّرَن✨
🍃( O Allah make this ghosl cause of atonement for my shortcomings and sins, purifying my religion, and eradicating my impurities).

💠❻ Some other deeds of this day is: Reciting prayer of “Nudbah” and remembering Imām of the time and his absence and prayers for his return to this world.

🔸 اعمال شب و روز عیدفطر 🔸

✅ عبادت در شب عید فطر بسیار مهم است. از امام سجّاد علیه السلام روایت شده است که به فرزندانش در مورد این شب سفارش کرده و میفرمودند:
این شب، کمتر از آن شب نیست. منظور حضرت، شب قدر بود.

❶ غسل کردن به هنگام غروبِ روز آخر ماه رمضان مستحب است.

❷ مستحب است که بعد از نوافل مغرب، در حالی که دستهای خود را بلند کرده است، بگوید:

✨یا ذَالمَنِّ و الطَّولِ، یا مُصطَفی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ ناصِرَهُ، صلِّ عَلی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ اغفِر لی کُلَّ ذَنبٍ اَحصَیتَهُ و هُوَ عِندَکَ فی کِتابٍ مُبینٍ✨

🍃 آنگاه سجده کند و صد بار در سجده بگوید: (اتُوبُ اِلَی اللهِ)
سپس حاجت خود را طلب کند.

❸ بعد از نماز مغرب، عشاء، صبح و عید، این تکبیر را بگوید:

🍃✨اَللهُ اَکبَرُ لا اِلهَ الاَّ اللهُ وَ اللهُ اَکبَرُ وَ لِلّهِ الحَمدُ اللهُ اَکبَرُ وَ الحَمدُ لِلّهِ عَلی ما هَدانا✨🍃

بهتر است این تکبیر را پی در پی در نماز ها ترک نکند.

❹ از مهمترین اعمال در این شب، زیارت امام حسین علیه السلام است.

❺ مستحب است که در روز عید فطر، غسل کند و سزاوار است غسل خود را با بِسمِ الله شروع کند و بعد از انجام آن، بگوید:

✨اَللّهُمَ اجعَلهُ کَفّارهً لِذُنوبی و طَهِّر دینی وَ اذهَب عنّی الدّرَن✨

🔸 خدایا این کفّاره گناهانم قرار ده، دینم را پاک گردان و پلیدیها را در من از بین ببر

❻ از اعمال این روز، خواندن دعای ندبه و اندوه به خاطر غیبت امام زمان عج و دعا برای فرج او می‌باشد.
