
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
تفصيل آيات القرآن الحكيم
(قرآن موضوعي)

گردآورنده: ژول لابوم
با انضمام كتاب: المستدرك
مترجم از فرانسه به عربي: محمد فؤاد عبدالباقي
ترجمه فارسي آيات قرآن از: اقاي حاج شيخ مهدي الهي قمشه

Forwarded From Zeeshan
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
From Sermon 1:

"The event of Karbala is, inevitably, an event possessing great social meaning for us, and it has a direct impact on our morality and character. It is an event that prompts our people, without anyone compelling them, to devote millions of man-hours to listening to the related episodes and to spend millions of dollars for this purpose. This event must be retold exactly as it occurred and without the least amount of interpolation. For if the smallest amount of interpolation takes place at our hands in this event, that would distort it, and instead of benefiting from it we would definitely suffer harm..." (To be continued)

-Ayatollah Shaheed Murtudha Mutahari [The Four Sermons on Ashura]

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Continued from the last post regarding the Four Sermons delivered by Shaheed Ayatollah Mutahari on Ashura..

From Sermon 1:
"Now my point is that we have introduced thousands of distortions in retelling the narrative of Ashura, both in its outward form, that is, in respect of the very episodes and issues relating to the major events and the minor details, as well as in respect of their interpretation and meaning. Most regrettably, this event has been distorted both in its form and content. At times a distorted version has at least some resemblance to the original. But there are times when distortion is so thorough that the corrupted version has not the least resemblance to the original: the matter is not only distorted, but it is inverted and turned into its antithesis. Again I must say with utmost regret that the misrepresentations that have been carried out by us have all been in the direction of degrading and distorting the event and making it ineffective and inert in our lives" . (To be continued)

-Ayatollah Murtudha Mutahari [The Four Sermons on Ashura]

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Continued from the last post regarding the Four Sermons delivered by Shaheed Ayatollah Mutahari on Ashura..

From Sermon 1:
"The people should get this expectation out of their heads and refrain from encouraging the kind of fictitious narratives which kill the soul of Karbala but work up the mourners into a frenzy. The people should hear the true narrative so that their understanding and level of thinking is elevated.

They should know that if a sentence creates a tremor in one's souls and attunes it with the spirit of Husayn ibn 'Ali and, as a result, one small tear were to come out of one's eyes, it is really a precious station. But tears drawn by the scenes of mere butchery, even if a deluge, are worthless.

They say that in one of the towns there was an eminent scholar who had some concern for the faith and who protested against these falsehoods, which are uttered from the minbar. He would say, “What are these abominable things that they say on the minbar?” One wa'iz (i.e. zakir) said to him, 'If we don't say these things we will have to shut down our shops right away!' That gentleman replied, 'These are mendacities and one must not utter them'".

-Ayatollah Murtudha Mutahari [The Four Sermons on Ashura]

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🌴🌹يا عليٌ تمنّٰی جبرائيل انْ يكون من بنٖی اٰدم بسبعِ خصال:

🔹و هی الصّلوٰةُ فی الجمٰاعة
🔹و مجٰالسة العلمٰاء
🔹و صّلح بين لاثنين
🔹و اكرٰامُ اليتٖم
🔹و عيٰادةُ المریض
🔹و تشيٖيعُ الجِنٰازة
🔹و سقیُ الماء فی الحجّ
🔸فَاحرصْ علٰی ذٰلک

🌴🌹The Prophet (peace be with him and his progeny) said, "O' Ali! Gabriel wised to become a human being for seven reasons, which are:

🔸Congregational prayer
🔸Companionship (and sitting) with scholars
🔸Establishing peace between two people
🔸Honoring the orphans
🔸Visiting the sick
🔸Attending funeral procession
🔸Giving water to pilgrims during hajj

🔹Therefore be desirous of these (deeds).

•al-Ithna Ashariyyah, p. 245
•"Bundle of Flowers" compiled by Ayatollah Imani, pg. 78

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
كتاب: سوگنامه آل محمد
زبان: فارسي
مؤلف: علامه اشتهاردي
موضوع: در ذكر مصائب چهارده معصوم و شهداي كربلا

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Forwarded From 📖Islamic Library (English)📖
Book: From Medina to Karbala in the words of Imām Al-Husayn
Language: English

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
📜Guidance of Imām Sadiq (peace be with him) to his companion Abdullah son of Jundab
❇️Part 1/25

💠Imam Sadiq said: O Abdullah! Satan sets his traps in this deceiving world, aiming at (entrapping) none other than our truly closest followers, whose (determination for success in the) hereafter is so exalted in their eyes that they accept nothing other than it.

(With deep sighs, Imām continues) Aah...aah...their hearts are (so) enlightened (such that they perceive) the world as though it were a venomous snake or treacherous enemy (waiting to ambush). They are wholeheartedly connected (with limitless love) to God and dread what people whose aim is hedonism and material aspirations possess or desire. Verily, they are our closest followers. By their means, every problem is solved and every tribulation is averted...

💠قال الإمام الصّادق عليه السلام: یَا عَبْدَ اللهِ، لَقَدْ نَصَبَ إِبْلِیسُ حَبَائِلَه فِي دَارِ الْغُرُورِ فَمَا
یَقْصِدُ فِیھَا إِلاّ أَوْلِیَاءَنَا، وَلَقَدْ جَلَّت الآْخِرَةُ فِي أَعْیُنِھِمْ حَتَّى مَا یُرِیدُونَ بِھَا بَدَلاً، ثُم َّ قَالَ: آهٍ آهٍ عَلَى قُلُوبٍ حُشِیَتْ نُورًا وَإِنَّمَا كَانَتِ الدُّنْیَا عِنْدَھُمْ بِمَنْزِلَةِ الشُّجَاعِ الأَْرْقَمِ وَالْعَدوَّ الأَْعْجَمِ، أَنِسُوا بِاالله وَاسْتَوْحَشُوا مِمَّا بِه اسْتَأْنَسَ الْمُتْرَفُونَ، أُولَئِكَ أَوْلِیَائِي حَقًّا وَبِھِمْ تُكْشَفُ كُلُّ فِتْنَةٍ وَتُرْفَعُ كُل ُّ بَلِیِّةٍ.

💠امام صادق (سلام الله عليه): یا عبدالله، شیطان دامھای خود را در دنیا گسترده و ھدف او اولیاء و دوستان ما ھستند، آنچنان آخرت در نظر دوستان ما بزرگ و با اھمیت است که ھرگز چیز دیگرى را بجاى آن نمی پذیرند سپس فرمود: آه آه بر دلھایی که پر از نور شده و دنیا در نظر آنھا ھمچون مار بزرگ و مسموم و دشمن نفھم است انس به خدا گرفته اند و از ھر چه دنیاپرستان به آن دل بسته اند بیزارند آنھا دوستان واقعى ما ھستند که به وسیله ایشان ھر آشوبى برطرف میشود
و ھر بلائى رفع میشود.

💠امام صادق (سلام الله عليه): اي عبدالله بن جندب شیطان نے اپنے سارے شکاری حربے اس دھوکے باز دنیا میں لگائے ہوئے ہیں اور اس کا نشانہ سوائے ہمارے بہترین شیعوں )اولیا( کے اور کوئی نہیں۔ جبکہ ِان کی نظروں میں آخرت اتنی عظیم ہے کے اُنہیں اس کے سوا اور کچہ چاہیے ہی نہیں۔ پھر امام آه بھرتے ہوے فرماتے ہیں: آه آه وه دل جو نور میں ڈوبے ہوے ہیں اور دنیا اُن کی نظروں میں ایک بڑے زہریلے سانپ کی جیسی اور نفہم دشمن کے مانند ہے۔ صرف خدا کی یاد اور ہمراہی میں زندگی بسر کرتے ہیں۔ اور ہر اس چیز سے کہ جس سے دنیا والوں کا دل لگا ہوا ہے اُس سے اُنہیں وحشت ہوتی ہے اور بیزار رہتے ہیں۔ وہی لوگ ہمارے صادق اور سچے پیروکار اور شیعہ ہیں۔ اُنہی کے ذریعہ ہر فتنہ سے نجات مل سکتی ہے اور بلائیں دور ہو سکتی ہیں۔ ------

📚 Tohaf al Uqool, Sayings of Imam Ja’far Sadiq, p. 311

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