
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Āyatollāh Mīrza Abul Hasan Sha’rānī in one of his books said:

And my last advice:
To have wisdom and knowledge (but) void of (practical) deed and actions according to it should be considered worthless.

Guidance of the true scholars shouldn’t be taken less valuable.

Respecting scholars, either alive or passed away, should be recognized as the main cause of increasing blessings from God.

علامه میرزا ابوالحسن شعرانی  (رحمة‌الله‌علیه) در شرح کتاب تبصرة المتعلمین می‌نویسد:

«... و آخرین نصیحت آن که:
علم بی ‌تقوی و ورع را به چیزی نشمرند،
و سخن علمای دین را پست نگیرند،
و تعظیم آنان را چه مرده و چه زنده موجب مزید توفیق دانند».

Āyatollāh Mohammad Reza Hakīmī passed away. May God bless him and place him with Ahlulbayt (peace be with them)
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
✨ 🍃 ✨🍃﷽ 🍃 ✨🍃

A youth asked Ayatollah Bahjat:
Prescribe for us a "zekr" as we have traveled from Isfahan.

Reply: "Isfahan, Mazandaran, or Khorasan, doesn't matter (where you come from or where you are), that the greatest "zekr" is what I am about to tell you.

It is to make a decision that if God bestowed you even one hundred years of life, you will not even for a second commit sin knowingly, seriously, and with choice. This is the greatest "zekr". However it is practical.

If all of us focus on this "zekr" all of us will be inhabitants of paradise with the grace of God, (that is) if we are consistent on this practice.

And being consistent (means) it should start, when it starts it will be with consistency.

Why? because God's subtle Grace is greater.

الحديث مروي عن أبي ذر عليه السلام عن النبي صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم فيما يرويه عن ربه عز وجل، قال: «إذا تقرب العبد إليّ شبراً تقربت إليه ذراعاً، وإذا تقرب إليّ ذراعاً تقربت منه باعاً، وإذا أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولة

It's narrated from Abudhar (peace be with him) from God's last prophet Mohammad (peace be with him and his progeny) said:

God Almighty said: when my servant comes to me a little bit (from thumb to the pinky finger) I come to him one step (from fingertips to the elbow). And if he comes to me one step I come closer. If he comes (more) close to me (than that), I'll come and faster join him.

📚 Reference
📖 Musnad Ahmad ibn Hambal vol5 p153
📖 Mahajjat-ul Baidha'a, Faidh Kashani vol5 p15

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
The faithful are only those whose hearts tremble [with awe] when Allah is mentioned, and when His signs are recited to them, they increase their faith, and who put their trust in their Lord,

إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الَّذِينَ إِذَا ذُكِرَ اللَّهُ وَجِلَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَإِذَا تُلِيَتْ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُهُ زَادَتْهُمْ إِيمَانًا وَعَلَىٰ رَبِّهِمْ يَتَوَكَّلُونَ

مؤمنان، تنها کسانی هستند که هرگاه نام خدا برده شود، دلهاشان ترسان میگردد؛ و هنگامی که آیات او بر آنها خوانده می‌شود، ایمانشان فزونتر می‌گردد؛ و تنها بر پروردگارشان توکل دارند.

ایمان والے وہی ہیں کہ جب الله کا نام آئے تو ان کے دل ڈر جائیں اورجب اس کی آیتیں ان پر پڑھی جائیں تو ان کا ایمان زیادہ ہو جاتا ہے اور اور وہ صرف اپنے رب پر بھروسہ رکھتے ہیں

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

🌺 Last prophet of God prophet Mohammad (peace be with him and his progeny):
🌺 Oh Ali, four characteristics belong to the miserable:
⚜ 1) Dryness of the eyes (no tears due to being feelingless in sad or unhappy situations )
⚜ 2) hard heartedness (due to the lack of luminosity radiating in the heart)
⚜ 3) having long hopes/wishes (leads to neglecting the essential duties for present life and falling in unlawful actions to get to the hopes)
⚜ 4) love (exclusively) for the material world (this means they have made the means the end, and are busy creating a permanent abode in this life rather than considering to make any preparation for the next).
📚 Tuhaf al-Uqul, "Another Commandment of the Prophet for Imam Ali"


🌺 قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله:
🌺 يا علي، اربع خصال من الشّقاء:
⚜جمود العين
⚜و قساوة القلب
⚜و بعد الامل
⚜و حبّ الدّنيا
🔷من الشّقاء


🌺حضرت رسول اكرم فرمود:
🌺اي علي چهار خصلت علامت شقي بودن است؛
⚜چشم بي اشك،
⚜قساوت قلب،
⚜آرزوهاي طولاني داشتن،
⚜و دوست داشتن دنيا
🔷از شقاوت است.


🌺 حضرت رسول خدا نے فرمايا:
🌺 يا علي چار صفتيں شقاوت اور پتتہر دل بُرا انسان ہونے کی علامت ہیں؛
⚜آنکہوں کا خشک ہونا (جسمیں اشک نہ آئے)۔
⚜پتتہر دل ہونا۔
⚜طولانی آرزوئیں رکہنا۔
⚜اور دنیا کی چاہت و محبت۔
🔷یہ صفتیں شقی اور بدترین انسان کی علامتں ہیں۔

Imām Husain (peace be with him):
“Verily, the course of Muslim affairs and rulings of Almighty God* are only in the hands of learned Godly scholars who have dedicated their lives entirely for God and are entrusted by Almighty God** toward what is permissible and impermissible in Islam***.”

*Learning, teaching, lecturing, explaining and applying it in the practical matters.
** to maintain the boundaries of religion through guiding people
*** To prevent religious values from distortions by those who pretend that they’re scholar but they’re not.

📚“Bundle of Flowers” compiled by Ayatollah Faghih Imani, p. 81


سيد الشهدا ابا عبد الله الحسين (سلام اللہ علیہ):
انّ مجاري الامور و الاحكام على ايدى العلماء بالله، الامناء على حلاله و حرامه


اباعبدالله امام حسين (سلام الله عليه): بدرستيكه كه كارها و (تعليم و تدريس و اجراي) احكام به دست علماي الهي و رباني سپرده شده است كه امانت دار حلال و حرام خداي متعال هستند (براي اينكه حرام خدا، حلال شمرده نشود و حلال خدا، حرام نشود).


امام حسین علیہ السلام:
بِنا شک، تمام امور اور كام اور احكامات (كي تعليم، بيان كرنا، اور جاري كرنا) صرف دانشمند علماء کے اختیار میں ہیں جنہوں نے اپنے وجود کو پروردگار کے حوالے کیا ہوا ہے اور وہی اسکے حلال و حرام کے امین ہیں (تاکہ جاہل اور دغل باز لوگ حرامِ خدا کو حلال نہ کریں یا جو حلال ہے اُسے حرام میں تبدیل نہ کر سکیں)۔

Forwarded From The 12th imam
🔴 Manner and Beautiful Reply to A Man’s Insult

🍃 One of the relatives of Imam al-Sajjad (a) stood against him and insulted him.

🌸 Imam al-Sajjad (a) stood silent and did not reply.

After that man went, Imam (a) told the people there,

“You heard what he said, now you come with me to hear my reply.”

🔶 They said, “we’ll come [with you]! We also would like to reply to him.”

They went to the house of the insulter all together. Imam (a) told the servant of the house,

▫️ “Tell your master that Ali b. al-Husayn (a) is standing at the door.”

The insulter came out ready to attack while he expected Imam’s (a) revenge.

🌼 But, Imam al-Sajjad (a) mildly said,

🌸 “O brother! Just a moment ago, you came to us and said what you wanted; if that [you said] exists in me, I ask God for forgiveness about it and if it is not in me, I ask God to forgive you.”

🍃 The man was embarrassed and kissed the forehead of Imam (a) and said,

💠 “What I said did not exist in you and I myself better deserve them!”

🌼 The companions of Imam al-Sajjad (a) said that on the way, Imam (a) recited the verse 134 of sura Al ‘Imran(The Holy Quran),

🌸 “…and [those who] suppress their anger, and excuse [the faults of] the people, and Allah(God) loves the virtuous;”


📚 Al-Irshad, vol. 2, p. 145.
📚 Bihar al-anwar, vol. 46, p. 54.

✅ @The12thimam_com ✔️
