
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
A great Scholar from Al-Azhar University (a Sunni Seminary in Cairo Egypt) recognizes and acknowledges Shia as Muslims and Salafism or Wahhabism as extremists.


ـ الإمامُ الهاديُّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): إنّ الخالِقَ لا يُوصَفُ إلّا بِما وَصَفَ بِهِ نَفسَهُ ، وأنّى يُوصَفُ الخالِقُ الّذي تَعجُزُ الحَواسُّ أن تُدرِكَهُ، والأوهامُ أن تَنالَهُ ، والخَطَراتُ أن تَحُدَّهُ ، والأبصارُ عَنِ الإحاطَةِ بِهِ؟! جلَّ عَمّا يَصِفُهُ الواصِفونَ ، وتَعالى عَمّا يَنعَتُهُ الناعِتونَ.

Imam al-Hadi (AS) said, ‘Verily the Creator can only be described by that which He Himself has described Himself, and how can the Creator ever be described anyway, Whom the senses are incapable of perceiving and the imaginations unable to grasp and the ideas unable to confine and the sights unable to contain?! He is too exalted for the description of those who undertake to describe, and too high to be attributed by those who seek to attach attributes to Him.’
📚[Kashf al-Ghamma, v. 3, p. 176]

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom

Prophet Mohammad peace be with him and his progeny said:

"Whoever likes live like me, and dies like me, and (wishes to) stay with me in heaven which is prepared by God, then he has to love Ali and accept his authority after my death and has to love the lovers of Ali.

He has to join my progeny and follow their footsteps (knowledge and wisdom) because only they are my household. They have been created from my clay, and knowledge and wisdom are bestowed to them.

Woe upon those of my nation who denies their authority and superiority, and disconnects my relationship to them (to my progeny and accepts others' superiority instead of Ali and his infallible offsprings) may God not grant them my intercession on the day of judgement".

✅رسول خدا (ص) فرمود:
«هركه خوش دارد كه مانند من زندگى كند و مانند من بميرد و در بهشت برينى كه پروردگارم آماده كرده، ساكن شود، پس ولايت_على را پس از من بپذيرد و دوستدارانش را دوست بدارد و به
اهل بيتم پس از من، بپيوندد و از آنها پيروى كند زيرا كه آنان عترت_من_اند، از خاك گل من آفريده شده اند و فهم و علم من به آنان تزريق شده است پس واى بر كسانى از امتم كه فضيلت آنها را ناديده بگيرند و رحم مرا به جاى وصل، قطع كنند. خداوند از شفاعتم، آنان را بهره مند نسازد». [۱]
🍀[۱]: مستدرك حاكم-ج ٣-ص ٢٨، طبرانى در جامع كبير، الاصابة ابن حجر عسقلانى، كنز العمال-ج ۶-ص ١۵۵، مناقب خوارزمى-ص ٣۴، ينابيع الموده-ص ١۴٩، حلية الاولياء- ج ١ ص ٨۶، تاريخ ابن عساكر-ج ٢-ص ٩۵.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🗻🌅Life and Worship🌅🗻

Allamah Muhammad Taqi Ja'fari:

"The final aim of human life is the success of man's supreme nature in life, which begins from God and returns to God through worship. Worship means accomplishing the nature of life in its various aspects. Once man steps beyond his purely natural life, his worshiping will begin. If man understands himself as a part of the general rhythm of the universe, who must make efforts to activate the disposition of his existence, he will turn to worship. Thus, all aspects of man's life can be regarded as worship, and as Imam Ali says, the whole world can become man's mosque.

Therefore, a university student, a farmer working on his farm, and a worker busy in his workplace are all worshiping God, provided that they consciously move along the path toward God".

References 📚
["The Mystery of Life" by Allamah Muhammad Taqi Ja'fari, pg. 115]
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
While discussing the necessity of blending intellect and knowledge Murtada Mutahari, in his book Training and education in Islam(pg 255), writes :

"In a famous and excellent quotation, (Francis) Bacon is reported to have said that learned men are of three types. Some are like ants. They always bring grains from outside and store them.
Their minds are like storage rooms. In reality, they are like tape recorders. They record whatever they hear. Others are like silkworms. They always weave their own thread from within themselves. They are not also really learned men
because they do not acquire anything from outside. They want to produce something out of their imagination or illusion. Their impending end is suffocation inside their very own cocoons. The third group consists of the true learned men. They are like honeybees. They extract the juice of flowers and they produce honey out of it."
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
-[Mizan ul-Hikmah, vol. 2, p. 1583]

"Know that faith or belief is something different from the knowledge of God...

Culmination of the faith is tranquility and peace of mind. When the light of faith is stabilized, it brings with it tranquility of the heart, and this is something which does not issue from knowledge.

......Unless the words, (لا إله إلا الله) —there is no god except God— are inscribed on the tablet of the heart with the pen of reason, man is not a true believer in the Unity of God."

2nd hadees in
    Forty hadith-an exposition 
   by Ayatullah Khomeini

Translated by 
Ali Quli Qara'i
Mahliqa Qara'i

Prophet Mohammad messenger of God said: Husain (peace be with him) is from me and I'm from Husain. @AbodeofWisdom
Shrine of Imam Ali bin Musa-r Reza (peace be with him) Mashhad Iran.