
Abode of Wisdom

Abode of Wisdom
وصف القناة
💠بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 💠 Path of Erfan through living life
Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🔅Master of the believers Imām Sadiq peace be with him said:
❇️Gaiety melts sin, like the sun melts ice.

🔅امام صادق علیه السلام:
✍️الخُلقُ الحَسنُ يَميثُ الخَطيئةَ كما تَميثُ الشَّمسُ الجَليدَ؛
📚 الكافی: ج۲، ص ۱۰۰، ح۷

🔅امام صادق علیه السلام:
❇️ خوش‌خويى گناه را ذوب مى‌كند، همچنان كه آفتاب يخ را.

🔅امام صادق علیه السلام:
✍️خوش رفتاری گناہوں کو پِگھلا دیتی ہے جیسے سورج برف کو پِگھلا دیتا ہے.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Allamah Tabatabai:
“As long as man is accompanied and associated to his body, it is possible to change the habits, but when he is separated from the body, no change will happen in him except through intercession or forgiveness.

‌علامه طباطبائي رضوان الله عليه:
«تا وقتی که انسان با بدن خود قرین و همنشین است، امکان تغییر ملکات را دارد، ولی وقتی از بدن جدا شد دیگر تغییری در او راه نمی‌یابد مگر به شفاعت یا آمرزش.»
📓 المیزان ج۲، ص۲۵۶

علامہ طباطبائی رضوان اللہ علیہ:
جب تک انسان اپنے بدن کے ساتھ منسلک ہے، اس وقت تک اس میں تبدیلی اور ارتقاء کا امکان موجود ہے، لیکن جیسے ہی وہ اپنے بدن سے علیحدہ ہوا، اس میں کوئی تبدیلی نہیں آئے گی سوائے شفاعت اور بخشش کے ذریعہ۔

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"you reap what you sow": a deeper elaboration by the following Chinese proverb...

"when you plant a deed,
You harvest a habit;

When you plant a habit,
You harvest a character;

When you plant a character,
You harvest fate;

When you plant fate,
You harvest life".

~Ancient Chinese Saying

☀️امیر المومنین علیه السلام فرمودند:
🔸ای بندگان خدا!
آن‌ کس که نسبت به خود، خیرخواهی‌اش بیشتر است، در برابر خدا از همه کس فرمانبردارتر است،
و آن کس که خویشتن را بیشتر می‌فریبد، نزد خدا گناه‌کارترین انسان هاست.
زیانکار واقعی کسی است که خود را بفریبد.
📚 نهج البلاغه بخشی از خطبه ۸۶

☀️Leader of the believers Imām Ali , peace be with him, said:
🔸O servants of God!
He who wishes well for himself is more obedient to God than anyone else.
And the one who deceives himself the most is the most sinful person in the sight of God.
The real loser is the one who deceives himself.
📚 Nahj-ul Balagheh, sermon 86

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
🟢Ayatollah Sheykh Hasan Zādeh Amoli:

Instead of being a "worshiper" be a "servant of God"! Satan worshiped for about 6000 years, and became a worshipper, not a servant. Unless you become a servant, your worship is not profitable; servanthood means what your Lord wants, not your desires.
🟢آيت الله حسن زاده آملي:
بجاي عابد، عبد خدا باش. شيطان حدود شش هزار سال خدا را عبادت كرد و عابد شد ولي عبد نشد. تا زماني كه عبد نشوي، عبادتت سودي ندارد. بندگي يعني آنچه خدايت مي خواهد نه شهوتت.
🟢آيت الله حسن زاده آملي:
عابد بننے كے بجاے پروردگار كے عبد بنو. شيطان نے تقريبا٦٠٠٠ هزار سال عبادت تو كي ليكن عبد نہ بن سکا. جب تک عبد نہ بنو گے تمہاری عبادتوں کا کوئی فایدہ نہیں. بندگی یعنی جو پروردگار چاہے (وہ بنو) نہ وہ جو تمہاری شہوتیں تم سے چاہیں.

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
❇️The Teacher and the Cross-eyed student

“A teacher told a cross-eyed boy one day,
‘Go fetch for me a bottle straight away!’
The boy returned, ‘Which bottle did you mean
Of that exactly matching pair I’ve seen?’
The teacher said, ‘There’s only one you fool!’
Have you not learned to add up yet at school?’
The boy protested, ‘Sir don’t laugh at me!’
The teacher said, ‘Try smashing one to see!’
A single bottle looked to him like two
But when one broke, both vanished from his view!
When he smashed one the other broke as well,

Desire can make you cross-eyed in its spell!
And lust and rage doesn’t just affect your sight,
They agitate your soul, set it alight
Virtue’s forgotten when your heart feels lust,
Veils block your heart and eyes like layers of dust,
So when a judge let’s bribery win his heart,
He can’t tell guilt and innocence apart.”

📚“Rūmī: the Masnavi Book one” trans. Jawad Mojaddedi” P.24

Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Daily prayer of month of Rajab.
دعاي ماه مبارك رجب
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Forwarded From Abode of Wisdom
Question: what are considered to be recommended (mustahab) fasts?

1-Three days in every lunar months (13th-14th-15th)
2- All days of month of Rajab and Sha’bān or as much as possible.
3- In Zulhijjah from 1st to 9th.
4- Day of Eid-e Ghadīr
5- any Friday
6- Fasting for deceased parents.
7- Plenty of other fastings that are discussed in Mafatīh-ul Jenān.

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