
مجموعة المكتبة الطبية الحديثة

مجموعة المكتبة الطبية الحديثة
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Anyone want books send name And picture or want any information send that we will send that or if you have new books My library @modernlibrary Buy ads from her or contact with @drhomod group link is https://t.me/+Q7bWeec6YpH-L-wG
Kindly upload please
فيه اي مرجع لcytopathology ؟ غير behdad
سلام .
ممكن رسومات سامح غازي CNS . 🙃
ممكن رسومات سامح غازي CNS . 🙃
ممكن @Dr_OmarAlmolik
Can I get macleods clinical examination test bank
مرحبا 🥶🥶!!

سؤال للي يفهمون بالفارما ، الجهاز العصبي.

الحين ال adrenergic N.S اللي اسمه الأخر symptomatic.

هو عبارة عن عصب ؟
والنواقل العصبيه اللي فيه اللي تنبه خلايا معينة اسمها ( adrenaline + noradrenaline ).

فهمي صح ؟
Can any one give me subtitles to sketchy videos fo
does hypertension increase blood flow in vessels?
does hypertension increase blood supplying to organs?
I asked these questions because the answers is different from medical source to another.
For example, some sources say that flight or fight response increase blood pressure and constrict vessels then the blood flow will be low and organs will not be supplied enough by blood. And some sources say that flight or fight response increase blood pressure and constrict vessels then the blood flow will be high and organs will be supplied enough to survive.
If the second claim is right, so why minoxidil dilate vessels to increase blood flow to hair follicles.
If the first claim is right, so why body increase blood pressure and heart rate?
اخوان الي يعرف الجواب اله هدية😅
does hypertension increase blood flow in vessels?
ممكن تكون بتزود ال blood flow في ال vessels الكبيرة
لكن في الصغيرة ال contraction ممكن يقفلها أو يقلل ال flow فيها
انا مش متأكدة بس اهو احتمال 😅