
📚قناة د. محمد باذيب📝

📚قناة د. محمد باذيب📝
وصف القناة
قناة خاصة بالدروس العلمية والتحقيقات والفوائد المتصلة بالتراث وجديد المطبوعات
اسم الكتاب: فتح البر شرح بشرح بلوغ الوطر من مصطلح أهل الأثر.
المؤلف: العلامة السيد عباس رضوان الشافعي المدني 1346هـ.
الوصف: كتاب يقع في 94 صفحة، وهو شرح على نظم للمؤلف نفسه. فرغ من تأليفه يوم الأربعاء 19 شعبان سنة 1329هـ في الروضة الشريفة بالحرم النبوي الشريف.
تقريظات الكتاب: على الكتاب تقريظات عديدة لعلماء المدينة المنورة المعاصرين له، منهم: السيد أحمد البرزنجي، والشيخ عبدالقادر الشلبي الحنفي، والشيخ عبدالعزيز الوزير التونسي، وشقيق المؤلف السيد محمد أمين رضوان المدني، والسيد مصطفى صقر الجمازي المدني، والشيخ خليل الخربوتي، والسيد محمد علي بن ظاهر الوتري، والسيد أحمد الجزائري، والشيخ عثمان الداغستاني، والسيد عبدالقادر الأدهمي، والشيخ عطية الدمياطي.
قام برفعه وتصويره / محمد باذيب

رابط التحميل على القناة


رابط التحميل على أرشيف:

#إجازة فاخرة ملوكية
هذه إجازة نادرة فاخرة، فيها رواية عزيزة لمصنفات شيخ الإسلام ابن حجر الهيتمي رحمه الله، وهي صادرة من الشيخ عبدالرحمن الساعدي الخزرجي اليماني، لأمير المؤمنين المتوكل على الله إسماعيل بن أمير المؤمنين المنصور بالله القاسم بن محمد. بأخذ الساعدي عن الشيخ باعمرو السيفي الحضرمي الشحري ثم الزبيدي بمنزله في زبيد سنة 1016هـ، وهو عن شيخه ابن حجر.
وهذه الإجازة خاصة بشرح الشمائل لابن حجر، وعامة في كافة مؤلفاته.

مصورة عن فهرس مخطوطات جامع بومباي، ص 451

نقلها/ محمد باذيب
ليلة الجمعة 12 صفر 1441
اللهم اجعلني خيرا مما يظنون، واغفر لي ما لا يعلمون

#Top10_Sunni_Scholars of #Yemen🇾🇪

◾#Shaykh_Habib_Omar_Bin_Hafiz (Hafida'ullah): Shaykh Al-Sayyid Habib Omar Bin Muhammad Bin Salim Bin Hafiz is a world renowned Islamic scholar, teacher, an expert of Fiqh, Hadith, Arabic language and many other religious sciences. He is the founder & the dean of Dar Al-Mustafa Islamic Seminary (Tarim, Yemen) which has produced thousands of Islamic Scholars and Preachers belonging to various countries in last two decades. He is also a member of the Supreme Advisory Council for the Tabah Foundation in Abu Dhabi. He always remained in top 50 most influential Muslims in the world as reported by Muslim 500 magazine.

◾#Shaykh_Habib_Ali_Al_Jifri (Hafida'ullah): Shaykh Al-Sayyid Habib Ali Zain'ul Abideen Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jifri is one of the world's most famous Islamic Scholar of Shafi'i school of thought and a spiritual educator. He has always been a part of various International conferences throughout the globe, a highly regarded scholar in Jamia Al-Azhar Egypt. Millions of Muslims throughout the world are following him as an expert on Islamic Sciences. He is also among top 50 most influential Muslims around the world. He is the founder of Tabah Foundation, an islamic research institute based in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

◾#Shaykh_Habib_Umar_Bin_Hamid Al-Jailani (Hafida'ullah): Born in 1950, in Yemen's Hadramaut Dhauan Valley. He is one of the most respected scholars from Yemen. He is an expert of Quranic Sciences, Tafseer and Fiqh. He has opened an Islamic Science Council, he also teaches at several science assemblies in Mecca, Saudi Arabia and various other parts of the Arab world.

◾#Shaykh_Abu_Bakr_Al_Adani Bin Al-Mashhur (Hafida'ullah): He is a famous scholar, writer, thinker, Islamic literary personality of Adan province, General instructor of the Arab education ribalds in Yemen. Habib Abu Bakr has established dozens of educational institutes in Yemen and centers for studies and scientific research. He has publications and systems in various sciences and arts. He has founded sixteen ribats and eighty educational centers in various governorates of the Yemeni Republic. He has authored many books on various subjects of Quran, Hadith and Fiqh.

◾#Shaykh_Habib_Ali_Al_Mashhur Ibn Muhammad Ibn Salim (Hafida'ullah). He is a well known Muslim Cleric who deals with Islamic Verdicts (Fatwas), currently the Imam of the Tarim Mosque, Grand Mufti and head of the Fatwa Council in Tarim, Yemen.

◾#Shaykh_Habib_Kadhim_Bin_Jafar Al-Saqqaf (Hafida'ullah): A highly-respected scholar, Habib Kazim is considered an expert in many areas of the sacred sciences including Jurisprudence (Fiqh), the Prophetic Biography (Sirah), Creed (Aqidah), Principles of Jurisprudence (Usul) and in particular, Hadith and its related sciences. He served as the director of the Ribat of Al-Shihr for six years and then as the director of the Ribat of al-Mukalla’ for a further two years.

◾#Shaykh_Dr_Muhammad_Abu_Bakr Ba-Dhib (Hafida'ullah): He has gained many qualifications, including a Certificate in memorizing the Holy Quran, numerous Ijazaat in Hadith. Dr. Muhammad has also completed Graduate Studies at Al Ahqaf University, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Beirut Islamic University, Faculty of Islamic Studies, 2008 and Aligarh Muslim University, Faculty of Theology, 2013. Author and editor of more than 70 books in theology, Islamic Fiqh, Islamic history, Arabic literature, Arabic poetry, and others.

◾#Shaykh_Habib_Muhammad Bin Abdur Rahman Al-Saqqaf (Hafida'ullah): He is a well known Sunni Muslim Dawah preacher and an Islamic Scholar. He is distinguished for his distinctive missionary journeys, where he set off to distant places for Muslims who lacked attention from the Muslims of the world. He has also attended many international events in UK & Europe as an Islamic speaker.

◾#Shaykh_Faisal_Al_Kaff (Hafida'ullah): He is a student of the sacred Islamic sciences and also a preacher. He has acquired sacred Islamic knowledge from masters like Al-Habib Abdul Qadir Al-Sagg
af, Al-Habib Ahmed Mashur Al-Haddad as well as many scholars from Tarim, the main one being the spiritual master Al-Habib Omar Bin Hafiz and Al-Habib Mashhur Bin Hafiz. His daily live radio show is listened to by estimated 2 million people in Jeddah & across the UAE. He also has shows which are played on prime TV channels such as Rotana and channel Alerth Al-Nabawi Some of the countries Habib Faisal al-Kaff has previously toured are; England, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

◾#Shaykh_Mahdi_Al_Hamid (Hafida'ullah): He is from Sayhut, Al Mahrah District of Yemen. One of the famous Islamic Speaker in the list of young Muslim Leaders of Yemen. He is one of the disciples of Shaykh Habib Umar Bin Hafiz and graduated in Islamic Sciences including Fiqh, Sharia & Fatwa from Dar'ul Mustafa (Tarim-Yemen). At present he is active in Yemen, Malaysia and Indonesia.

MashaAllah Tabarak wa Ta'ala, May Allah Subhana'hu wa Ta'ala preserve all of these great scholars and accept their contributions to Islam. Aameen!

#Note: These are only Top 10 Sunni Scholars as per our knowledge and analysis, there are many others who are also famous for there contributions to Islam.
