I want Arabic English dictionaries
معجم الجذور العربية للكلمات الأمازيغية

Forwarded From کتب فلسفی Philosophic Books
A Kant Dictionary

author : Caygill, Howard.

Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries
Written by leading scholars, each volume in the Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries series presents the life and work of
an individual philosopher in a scholarly yet accessible manner. Entries cover key ideas and thoughts, as well as the main
themes of the philosopher's work. A comprehensive biographical sketch is also included. The dictionaries are ideal for
both research and course use.

Forwarded From کتب فلسفی Philosophic Books
A Kant Dictionary

author : Caygill, Howard.

Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries
Written by leading scholars, each volume in the Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries series presents the life and work of
an individual philosopher in a scholarly yet accessible manner. Entries cover key ideas and thoughts, as well as the main
themes of the philosopher's work. A comprehensive biographical sketch is also included. The dictionaries are ideal for
both research and course use.
