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An Early Shīʿi Cosmology
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An Early Shīʿi Cosmology
Ibn Arabi - Time and Cosmology by Haj Yousef, Mohamed
Ibn Arabi - Time and Cosmology by Haj Yousef, Mohamed...

Ibn Arabi - Time and Cosmology by Haj Yousef, Mohamed.‌‌..⬇️

The Self-Disclosure of GOD
Principles of Ibn AlArabi cosmology
William C Chittic...

The Self-Disclosure of GOD
Principles of Ibn AlArabi cosmology
William C Chittic...⬇️

شعاع جهان
با توضیح دکتر نیل دگراس تایسون

#universe #observableuniverse #neiltyson #neildegrassetyson #cosmology
The Physical Theory of Kalam Atoms, Space, and Void in Basrian MuTazili Cosmology (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, Science) by Alnoor Dhanani
Part I
Islamic Exegesis and Tradition: Formative and Classical Period
- “A Plaything for Kings”: ʿĀʾisha’s Ḥadīth, Ibn al-Zubayr, and Rebuilding the Kaʿba
Gerald Hawting
- Remnants of an Old Tafsīr Tradition? The Exegetical Accounts of ʿUrwa b. al-Zubayr
Andreas Görke
- Muqātil on Zayd and Zaynab: “The sunna of Allāh concerning those who passed away before” (Q 33:38)
Gordon Nickel
- Sabab/Asbāb al-Nuzūl as a Technical Term: Its Emergence and Application in the Islamic Sources
Roberto Tottoli
- Laylat al-Qadr as Sacred Time: Sacred Cosmology in Sunnī Kalām and Tafsīr
Arnold Yasin Mol
- Is there Covenant Theology in Islam?
Tariq Jaffer