
💢 The Socio-Political Aspect of Religious Terminologies in Medieval Iran: The Case of “Akhbārī-uṣūlī” in Kitāb al-Naqḍ Written by ʿAbd al-Jalīl Qazwīnī Rāzī (d. 560/1165)

✒️S. M. Hadi Gerami

🔰 The Quarterly Journal of Iranian Islamic Period History, Volume 12, Issue 27, Summer 00/21, Pages 21-39

🔹اشاره: در مقاله‌ای که اخیرا در شماره انگلیسی مجله تبریز از من منتشر شده است، به ابعاد اجتماعی ـ سیاسی انگاره‌های مذهبی در ایران قرون میانه پرداخته شده است. در این مقاله، با رویکردی تاریخ انگاره‌ای به «شیعه اصولیه»، دیدگاه‌های شماری از پژوهشگران از جمله برخی خاورشناسان به نقد کشیده شده است. در این نوشتار با تمرکز بر کتاب نقض ـ به عنوان مهم‌ترین کتاب کلامی فارسی در ایران قرون میانه ـ نشان داده شده است که برخلاف یک تصور کلیشه‌ای، کاربست دوگان اخباری ـ اصولی در این کتاب ارتباطی به مجادلات اخباری/اصولی متأخر نداشته است و کاربست آن با انگیزه‌های کاملا اجتماعی ـ سیاسی در خصوص اقلیت شیعه در ایران میانه بوده است.

🔹 Abstract: The conflict between the Akhbārīs and Uṣūlīs dates from the time of Mawlá Muḥammad Amīn Astarābādī (d. 1033/1624). However, limited usage of the two terms can be traced back to before that period. Kitāb al-Naqḍ, written by ʿAbd al-Jalīl Qazwīnī Rāzī (d. 560/1165), is one of the few Imāmī sources that contains a group of references to a similar conflict between the Shiʿa Uṣūlīyyah and Shiʿa Akhbārīyyah. The former term, in particular, repeatedly appears in the book. The aim of this paper, adopting a conceptual approach to history, would be to demonstrate that the Akhbārī/Uṣūlī terms in medieval Iran do not refer to a legal concept, nor to the dispute between the moderate/extremist Shiʿis in that context. Despite the first impression which the term conveys, it will be suggested that the term “uṣūlīyyah” does not have its roots in uṣūl al-fiqh (Islamic legal methodology), but rather, refers to some specific rational uṣūl (principles) usually applied to uṣūl al-ʿaqāʾid (Islamic theological principles). That is, “uṣūlīyyah,” according to Qazwīnī, refers to those whose religious knowledge has been based on rational principles. However, the Akhbārī-Uṣūlī terminology introduced by Qazwīnī cannot be paired with the historical Shiʿi schools and figures of his period. If we consider the social and political pressures under which Iranian Imāmīs were living, it will appear that employment of such terms has had a strategic purpose. In this case, calling most of his contemporaries “uṣūlīs,” and attributing controversial Shiʿi beliefs to the Akhbārīs, Qazwīnī has attempted to exonerate Imāmīs from their accusations, and to improve their social position.

#عبدالجلیل_قزوینی_رازی #ایران_میانه #انگاره‌های_مذهبی #نقض #شیعه_اصولیه #شیعه_اخباریه #اصولی_اخباری #تشیع_اعتدالی #تشیع_میانه‌رو #هادی_گرامی

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