#Hindu Residents Offering Water to the #Muharram procession heading to the local #Karbala for #Taziah burial on the day of #Ashura.
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🔺A workbook for kids who love Imam Hussain (a,s)☀️

🔸This workbook consists of maze, mystery message, word search,etc about Ashura and Imam Hussain (a.s)🏴

🔸"کتاب کار محرم" شامل چندین فعالیت مفید و مرتبط با ایام عزاداری امام حسین علیه‌السلام 🏴

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⚫️ A story of Imam Hossein's Childhood

⚫️ I was Imam's playmate.

⚫️ It was my turn to give a ride...

⚫️ Hi Sun Educational Group invites you to watch this video. It is produced by Kaz school.


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⚫️ Understanding Karbala

⚫️ What did Imam Hossein(A.S) tell the enemy's army?

⚫️ Who was Hurr?

⚫️ What did Imam Hossein (A.S) tell bibi Zeynab the last time?

⚫️ Hi Sun Educational Group invites you to watch this video to find the answers.


Forwarded From Hi Sun!
⚫️ A Short Speech on Muharram

⚫️ In this speech you will hear about Muharram and Imam Hossein (PBUH).

⚫️ Hi Sun Educational Group invites dear teens to watch this beautiful video.


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🔸 داستان های اموزشی برای کودکان در رابطه با واقعه عاشورا

📌 دبستان و راهنمایی

📚 Short stories for children about Ashura

