Forwarded From الحجة
The head of the first folio of the #Islamic #manuscript.
It is decorated so beautifully.
It was a blessing that we see less now at books!
Look carefully to the fragment of this beautiful painting!


Link for more pics:

Forwarded From Hi Sun!
✨ Ramadan Workbook for the Birth of Imam Hassan (A.S)

✨ Dear kids and teens!
In this amusing and educative workbook, there exist different entertaing parts.

✨ Hi Sun Educational Group invites you to use this great workbook. It is made by Salamoji.


The head of the first folio of the #Islamic #manuscript.
It is decorated so beautifully.
It was a blessing that we see less now at books!
Look carefully to the fragment of this beautiful painting!


Link for more pics:

عنوان نسخه: «اسفار ملاصدرا»
شرح: ملا هادی سبزواری
کتابت: محمد حسین زرندی. شاگرد و به دستور آقا علی مدرس زنوزی می باشد!
محل کتابت: دربند شمیران تهران. (سال 1287ق)
#فلسفه اسلامی

Title of the manuscript: Asfar, #Mulla_Sadra.
Described: Mulla Hadi #Sabzevari
Written by: Muhammad Hussein Zarandi (a student is of Agha Ali Modares Zenozi).
Place: Darband, Shemiran, Tehran. (Year 1287 AH)
#Islamic philosophy

full text:
Forwarded From الحجة
عنوان نسخه: «اسفار ملاصدرا»
شرح: ملا هادی سبزواری
کتابت: محمد حسین زرندی. شاگرد و به دستور آقا علی مدرس زنوزی می باشد!
محل کتابت: دربند شمیران تهران. (سال 1287ق)
#فلسفه اسلامی

Title of the manuscript: Asfar, #Mulla_Sadra.
Described: Mulla Hadi #Sabzevari
Written by: Muhammad Hussein Zarandi (a student is of Agha Ali Modares Zenozi).
Place: Darband, Shemiran, Tehran. (Year 1287 AH)
#Islamic philosophy

full text: