🔲#The_Story_of_the_martyrdom_of_Rasool_Allah (2)

🔷در روز 26 صفر سال 11 ه’ #رسول_خدا صلّی اللَّه علیه و آله به عده‌ای خاص از صحابه و به خصوص ابوبکر و عمر و عثمان امر فرمودند برای سفر به روم و جنگ با رومیان به امیری اسامة بن زید آماده شوند.
😳آنان از این امر کراهت داشتند و نسبت به فرماندهی اسامه بر سپاه اسلام به خاتم الانبیاء صلّی اللَّه علیه و آله اعتراض کردند.
⛔️حضرت فرمودند: «خدا لعنت کند کسی را که از لشکر اسامه تخلف کند »،
♦️ولی با این همه ابوبکر و عمر و عثمان تخلف کردند و بازگشتند !
-📚 #الملل_و_النحل (شهرستانی)، ج‏1، ص 30
📚 #بحار_الأنوار (مرحوم مجلسی)، ج30، ص433-432

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👉 @harimeshie 👈

💠On the twenty-sixth of Safar, The Prophet (a.s.) saw factionalism among his companions and he became certain that they would fulfill their plans to take the caliphate away from his family, who were the center of knowledge and wisdom,
💠because of that, The Prophet (a.s.) ordered all the notables of the Muhajireen and the Ansar to join the army of Usama whom he had appointed as the leader though he was a very young man.
💠Among those men there were Abu Bakr, Umar, Abu Ubaydah bin al-Jarrah, and all of them were from the oppositionist party.
💠The Prophet (a.s.) recommended people to join the army of Usama by saying, “Prepare the army of Usama!”
“Let the army of Usama march!"
⛔️”May Allah curse whoever does not join the army of Usama!”
💠On the twenty-ninth of Safar, the army mutinied and no one of the notable companions joined his battalion. The Prophet (a.s.) was very angry at that.
-📚 Beehar Al Anwar, v30, pg432-433

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